> thirty-nine <

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a few days later...

Text-thread: Louis and harry.

harry: [inserted voice memo: "um, hi. this...this is harry. obviously, but. this is what i sound like. and i guess i feel like i need to send you this, or just about anything that is"—stiff, sad chuckle—"slightly more sincere than these shitty texts i've been bombarding you with. so. here i...am. this is me. maybe you'll get angry that i did this, 'cause it's, you know, against our rules. but i...i've lost all hope, kind of. and i feel like i need to do whatever i can, and, for now, this is what came to mind. so, maybe like, call me? if you'd like. or just text me. that'd be nice. i miss you a lot"—broken sniffles—"and, yeah. this is so strange. i feel like i'm still, just, talking to a faceless avatar. with a stunning body. and the most beautiful heart i've ever known. i can't really imagine that you're a person. maybe that's how i could be so selfish"—choked sigh—"when i left you there. i can't believe i did. i wish i didn't. i wish i'd—": cut off signal]

harry: i ... pressed send on accident

harry: i was gonna record a better one

harry: fuck

harry: anyway. i miss you so much

. . .

Louis: hi

harry: heyy :')

Louis: didn't expect that

harry: did you like it?

Louis: sorta

harry: my voice?

Louis: the message

Louis: kind of pointless but you got your point across i guess

harry: ..yeah

Louis: your voice is something else

harry: something else?

Louis: don't really feel like complimenting you right now

harry: that's okay

Louis: thank you for sending that though

Louis: made me smile a bit

harry: it did?

Louis: yeah coz you suck at talking

harry: i'm decent >:(

Louis: it was decent yeah

Louis: thank you

harry: always :')


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