1| Abducted?

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"Today is a special day. For our new students, it marks the beginning of a new life with new routines - and maybe a new way of thinking. For the rest of our students, today means continuation - but also a new beginning with new challenges and new opportunities. For others present today - staff as well as external partners and collaborators - we would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your contributions to our university.

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to a new academic year at the Loyola University ! And a special and warm welcome to the----"

"Why do WE have to attend this shit , as far as I know this is our last year, not the 1st" Olivia groaned.

"Yes. It's not." Vera stated.

"So why are we here, and "she scanned the whole auditorium "there is not even a single senior here, well except for us!" Olivia shouted whispered.

"Finally you are awake, sleepyhead" Seth said.

"Will anyone please enlighten me why are we here" Olivia whined.

"Oli, why are you being a spoil sport, see there are many cute junior who might be thinking of you as -air quotations- 'out of our reach senior'- air quotations " Vera said winking at Olivia.

"Oh! come o--" Olivia got cut.

"See there is a boy staring at you" Este said while pointing and taking her seat.

"Creep, babe when did you came, where were you all this time , these morons were pissing me off" Olivia complained

Este giggled while giving everyone a glare. "I was just preparing for my speech as President of the University"

Olivia's lips turned into 'o' as she realized why she was here.

"Good luck on your journey! Use your opportunities! It starts here today!

Now we would like to call Este , who is the President of our College to come and share her some insights' of the University"

"That's my call" Este said with a confident face.

"All the best"

"Rock it girl!"

"You go girl"

"Best of luck" said a new voice. Everyone turned towards the voice and frowned except for Este as she left smiling towards the voice. The owner of the voice was Dontello. But soon everyone got stable as they knew that Este and Dontello are friends but still his efforts to attend Este's speech was beyond explanation. But they welcomed him anyway as Este's seat got wakened.

Dontello POV

Jeez! I don't bite. Why were they frowning on my presence as if am an alien. But nevertheless Este's smile gave me my remedy. Yes, I like her but only if I could tell her that. I can't, as in my world we are not allowed for any acquaintance, that is the only reason I don't involve myself with anyone. Because it means talking, which means at some point I might reveal my secrets to someone and that is just dangerous for my life.

But Este is just different. She is not nosy like everyone. She minds her own business, is helpful , never ask much questions and despite of having such popularity and a large number of friends and potential friends, she still spends time with me, without any strings attached. We are just two students who happens to know each other and are comfortable with each other. She never ask me to come to any party or any trips as she also doesn't belong there.

I hate the fact that we can't be together as much as I have observed, she also likes me but there is something with her also that holds her back . She is such a sweetheart who would cry if someone else cries. Alas! We could never be able to tell each.

So as soon as I took the seat preoccupied by Este, I could smell her cologne already, Gucci Bloom Eau de parfum. So like Este, it's her favorite perfume and I know it because am her favorite too.

Sometimes I really wish we could be together, like at least more than friends , may be best friends.

"Good mornin' everyone, Am Este, president of ....." she will be death of me, her voice is just like an ocean, I want to drown into.

"ahhhhhhh" " wooohooo" All the students gasps. For god's sake what are you little puppies who got scared of power off?

Literally, whole universe is against us, just when I was enjoying her sight, because obviously I couldn't focus on anything she said.

Finally, Power is back. Such a relief. But wait, where is she . She is nowhere to be find.

"I saw someone carrying a girl, unconscious, towards the University gate. Am pretty sure she was Este" Someone, whom I assume as Santo came shouting in the auditorium.

The word spread faster than fire in the whole University, all of the Este's friends, whole senior year students including me ran towards gate to help her.

But when we reached there, They had already stuffed her like a dead body in their van and drove off.



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