5| Blast

144 18 2

Este POV

"Thank you for the clothes, sir." They all bowed and thanked my father.

"How?" I uttered.

"It must be in the news by now", said while going towards the TV and fidgeting with its remote.

"Villani's jet was blasted today while returning from Chicago, and the hidden child- Underground Sicilian died while travelling in it."

I would have believed that the body was of Cora but she was standing here, then whose body was it.

"Will anyone please explain what is happening", I spatted.

"Come, honey, let's go to my office", he said while gesturing me to come.


"Take a seat", he said to me.

"These are Neumann's who are after your life, as they lost their everything to us few years ago. They are more powerful now as your uncle Vadro has joined them.", he said while handing me a file about them.

"Why did uncle joined them and that is how they know about me?" , I asked. I know how hard it must have been for him, no matter how heartless and cruel of a don he is but he loves his family more than anything, specially uncle Vadro. He was my father's strength.

"They went to New York and found the one who was pretending to be you there. They abducted her and later tortured her, so in the end she told them that you are in Illinois. After that she was killed and sent to our house. When her body came, her little finger was missing and there were scratches all over her body. Her mother was the one to plan your entire escort plan except for your kidnapping that was done by your brother and the blast of jet, that was personally done by me." He said.

"What? Her mother, our maid planned all this?", I asked.

"She is more than a maid now and yes she wanted you to come safely and then take revenge for her daughter's death, she didn't even shed a tear by the sight of her daughter's body"

"What's the blue pole behind the blast and that dead body?" , now I was losing my calm.

"Oh! That, nothing big, I made Massimo steal one of their jets and get it painted as ours. Then we placed both of the jet side by side, but covered ours with sheet, so they implanted the bomb in their own jet. And the dead body was of your Aunt Lopa. So our men placed her body and several bodies in the jet. When that one left, they came back in our jet safely." He said. So they blasted their own jet and their own lady.

"You killed Aunty Lopa?",I asked.

"No, why would I kill my brother's wife!"

"So, she killed herself?"

"As a fact yes, she said she was ashamed of his husband who betrayed his brother. So she ended herself and said to use her body against him and not to bury her" Woah! Drama never ends in this family.


"Also, the Breece is also after you. His younger son himself was spying on you from very close, therefore I had to sent Massimo after you. And they are our biggest rivals at the moment. They are always trying to steal our shipments of cocaine and interfere in our other deals.", he said. Pascual Breece is the Irish mafia and the relation that Irish and Italian mafias share is as pleasant as walking on a road full of splinters.

"Did you find the son of Pascual?"

"No. Apparently he is better than his father. You might know him as well as they say he was very close to you but still he wasn't able to find you . You pretended too well to be Este that they couldn't find the Villani in you." He said and I could sense pride in his voice. Who might be that boy? "& we have an agreement that if none of our child is able to find each other in this one month then you and his elder son are marrying each other, because we know both are very strong gangs and if we collaborate, we can rule over the country. By we I meant you and his son."

I knew my marriage will be some collaboration only. But with an Irish was beyond expectations. I know that Irish people need to be married to become Ceann na Conairte 1 and expect their wives to be one who stays at home and welcome them with good food and love. But I am Este Villani, am not here to stay at home but to rule.

"But the person spying on me was younger so why would I marry elder one?"

"Because the younger one is a great spy, so that is totally on you, how you find him, fight him or marry him", he winked at me, and continued with serious expression, "the most important concern right now is, you have to make a plan and execute to destroy Neumann's again, so that I can judge how much you are ready in becoming the Boss, don't show pity on him, he tried to kill my daughter." The fire in his eyes made me realize how much he is stopping himself to go to Gavino Neumann's house and slit his throat.

"Don't worry about that, arrange your retirement ceremony, Boss.", I said with smirk enhancing my features.

"Wait, Paa! " ,forcing him to stop in his tracks towards outside as I continued, "You said it was planner by my brother , but Massimo said it was planned by him, that means?"



1 The head of the treaty

Thank you reading.

A lot of you ask me that, is this really my story, have i copied it, have i taken some help.

So i would like to tell you, yes this is my story, the whole plot is mine, nobody knows where this story going to, except for me.

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