3| Mr. & Mrs. Weber

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Este POV

"Boarding for the Villani's jet will commence in few minutes, Mr. Massimo is requested to come with other passengers.", By the time this announcement was made, Cora had already changed in my clothes as she said her clothes were already checked in and I always carry a pair in my hand bag.

But that was so unlike her as she was the one who taught me to keep another pair with me. I wanted to question that but the biggest question was whose blood was that. I knew she would be here as what will she do in Chicago without me but what actually have happened during my small break. There were many questions and only person who could answer them was Massimo.

I was looking for him because even the announcement was also for his name as nobody really knows who I am. They just know there is a child of Villani's who is going to be the succeeding Boss and call that child as UNDERGROUND SICILIAN. Which according to them is studying in New York, as my father had made one of his maid's daughter to go there as me with security and a large amount for her mother as well. They don't even know that the child is a girl.

There he comes dressed in his Armani suit showing off his sharp shoulders that might slit throats, as he was a 'Gentleman Killer'. His suits never disrespects any of his body aspects rather compliments. Our style is almost similar, always on fleek. He has been always the sibling which I never had. What? What am I even thinking?

He is calm as if he had come straight from meditation, but in his case it would be that bottle of Brandy which I saw him drinking and throwing before checking in. But he is not allowed to drink , it must have been fake alcohol.

"What?" , he frowned.

"What do you mean by 'what'?" , I hissed.

"Whatever! , Just come with me and don't take the hoodie off", He said as calm as ever while almost covering my eyes with that oversized hoodie. Damn hoodie!

"But-----", he put 3 chewing gums in my mouth, he never let me complete, what does he think of himself!! I scoffed but did as told anyway.

"Let's go and don't make noise", he said while putting his arm over my shoulder.

We reached the boarding place, and now he put a cap over my hoodie, does he want me do die because of suffocation or by tripping over something but he kept guiding me.

"She is my wife, Sistine", he said to the officer. That's when I realize this boarding pass is not mine, but what crystalloid kind of name is Sistine, as if I am a snow flake ready to either melt or break.

"Hello! Sistine, please show us your boarding pass." Officer asked.

"Oh! She won't speak, she very shy you know! , we are going on our honeymoon so , here's her passport", he said while giving my pass and pushing me forward and followed me by saying danke schön 1. That explains his name as Mr. Vinn Weber and we going as normal people in shared flight but obviously Business class but our men and Cora didn't follow. More questions.

Soon we were settled, and as soon as all other passengers were slept, I turned towards him with my eyes full of questions.

"Hold on sweetie, don't look at me as if you would eat me alive, without even caring to cook", he said playfully as if we am glaring at him for taking my barbie's comb.

"Are you done yet?" I hissed.

"Ooooo, am scared", he joked.

I still glared him but with more annoyance and intensity.

"Chill, I was joking Bao Bao", just when I thought he can't annoy me anymore, there he comes with his annoying nicknames, it means dear baby in Chinese. He has a whole stock of it as same as his gun's . He has this habit, as we used to talk in code words so he used to come up with a new one every time, be it a e-mail, phone text, phone call or a hand written letter which I have all preserved.

I groaned, "Do you see me laughing, Mimmo", I hissed through my teeth with absolute no humor.

"Stop calling me that, it's like am a child who is being praised for making an awfully pathetic mess and call it a masterpiece ", he said almost whining and made a small pout, which internally made me laugh.

After receiving silence from my side, he said again, "Don't be like this, I have something nice for you."

"Is that a euphemism for my new nickname now., I said annoyingly

He chuckled and handed me a handmade chocolate bar from my mother. God! I missed these. But I won't take it, I need to know what is happening around me, for that, I think I can sacrifice one bar of cocoa.

"You don't want it? Okay!" He started to open it and I almost lost it there, but then he said something which almost made me jump.
"Wanna munch on it while I tell you what all happened."

"Yes please!" I said happily munching on my bar, who will say am gonna be a Boss, may be am really a Bao Bao. Was I even fit for being a Boss?

"We got an information that your life is in danger , so we came to take you with us. When you were going to washroom, we thought of a plan. So Cora went inside girls' and pretended to be you and when she was attacked, she killed those three men dressed as ladies", At least Cora wasn't hurt, nobody can hurt her but still. He continued, "I made you wear this hoodie of mine to make you look like a boy and it worked as your lean muscles are not less than a boy and your hair were obviously got hid in the hood. Therefore, they bought that we offered. It's not easy to escort a mafia daughter out of a county ."

I nodded for him to continue. But he didn't.

"And why would they want to kill me ", I asked

"Because they know your identity Ms Underground Sicilian", he said while tilting his head.

"ugh!", I groaned. "You know you are like an iceberg, I have to pick axe for every layer. How do they know my identity?" , I asked.

"They abducted your impersonator from New York and tortured her. And she told them that you are somewhere in Illinois and then they found you" he stated copying me. I knew he will not tell me who they were because those kind of things are preferred by my father to be acknowledged to me by him only.

"Is the girl safe now?" I was more worried for her than my identity. I care about who work for me.

The silence from him was no good of a sign. This explains there is more to come. My life has now changed am no longer a student in Chicago. But that has been my destiny anyway.

"What's with Mr. & Mrs. Weber and where are Cora and other men?" I asked again.

"So now she again pretending as you in Villani's jet as there is a bomb planted in that jet and we can't afford you to die" he said again so calmed.

"So you would let them die? How could you?" I whispered shouted in utmost shock. How can he be so calm right now?

"I? I don't do anything. It's Boss's order and I am just doing what I am told to."

"Why would my father want them to go somewhere he knows they will die?"



Danke Schön for reading!

1 Thank you

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