As it should be

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Finian put down the phone, and he smiled to himself. He was so relieved that Dorian wanted to come back home, and it didn't really bother him that Dorian wanted to bring Shiro with him. Finian knew it was all for the best. Finian for one hadn't slept all night. He simply couldn't fall asleep without Dorian next to him. Finian missed his husband's warmth. He missed hearing Dorian's calm breathing. Finian knew that Dorian would spend some nights with Shiro, even here, in their home. But he could deal with that, as long as Dorian was in the same house.

And when the first thing Dorian said on the phone, was that he missed his Finian so much it hurt, Finian thought he could cry of happiness. He had been so scared that Dorian would fall head over heels in love with Shiro and let him go. Finian still was far too unsure of his own importance to Dorian. And foolishly enough, he compared himself to a fated pair. But Finian wasn't the one that gave up without a fight. He was determined to make this work.

After the phone call, Finian went directly to the guestroom and started to clean. Dorian had said that, before they came back, he and Shiro would go to a furniture store and buy stuff Shiro wanted. It was one of that typical ' Dorian-thing' to do. The blond alpha always wanted to make sure that everybody was satisfied. Well, it didn't really bother Finian. After all, it was one of the things that Finian loved the most about Dorian. His big, kind heart.

Luckily the guestroom was pretty clean, and there weren't a lot of personal things in there. And the few things Finian found, he put away in the closet. When he was done with everything, Finian first went to Eamon's room. The boy was sitting in front of the computer. But he turned around when there was a knock on the door.

"What are you doing, Sweetie?" Finian asked when he walked in and sat down on the bed.

"Looking at the stock market."

Finian smiled and shook his head in wonder.

"I don't know who you take after, but it's certainly not your Dad or me."

"Grandfather," he answered flatly. "It's all he's doing."

Finian chuckled and agreed.

"Yeah, you're really just like your grandfather."

Amused, the father and son looked at each other.

"I have meant to ask you this for a while now. But what do you think of Shiro?" Finian asked in a curious tone.

Eamon looked startled at his Daidaí. It took a while for the boy to answer. He seemed to contemplate whether or not he should be honest with his father. Eamon took a deep breath before he replied.

"I think he seems like a good man. He's very kind and easy to get along with."

Finian nodded. He agreed with everything Eamon said.

"He is, isn't he?" Finian smiled while he talked, thankful that his son felt he could be honest with him.

"I'm sorry, Daidaí," the boy said in a low voice, and he couldn't meet his father's eyes.

"Why are you saying that, Luv?"

"Well, it's hard on you, right? He's Dad's fated pair after all," Eamon sounded troubled and glanced at his father.

"Yes, he is. But haven't I told you that I'm okay with it?"

"But are you really? Isn't that something you say just to make everybody else feel better?"

'Oh, my sweet, perceptive child,' Finian thought, and his chest felt all warm and fuzzy.

The kindness and the sensitivity that Eamon had was pure and very rare in a young teenage boy. Finian's heart was overflowing with pride.

I'm dead without you (omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now