Chapter 3

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J.P: Reggggggie
J.P: Good Morning
J.P: Respond 2 me I need attention!
J.P: Plzzzzz
J.P: Reggie
J.P: Cutie
J.P: Hot stuff

R.B: Omg today is my day off so I went to the gym, but when I check my phone I see 7 missed messages, typed in only 2 minutes!

J.P: Good morning 2 u 2 cutie!

R.B: Ugh, what do you want?

J.P: U

R.B: To bad so sad 😭🙄

J.P: U r so mean!!!
J.P: and I just wanted to make sure the plans for tonight where still there

R.B: Aww that's sweet
R.B: I didn't mean to send that but of course I will be there!

J.P: Cool but I was thinking maybe I can pick u up and we can get coffee before the movie?

R.B: That would be delightful! I needed a ride anyways because one of my tires broke so if you don't mind maybe we could also go get a tire?

J.P: That would be amazing looking at the time I still need to get ready so I will see you soon!

R.B: Can't wait!

This part is messages between Sirius and Regulus

S.B: You stinking broke James again he came to my room with that grin again except if possible it grew! Then he asked me for advice on what to wear, the bloke is head over heels for you!

R.B: What no he can't be I am just me while he is this cute, bold, determined, sweet, outgoing guy, and there is so much to him that I can't even be compared!

S.B: Regulus Arcturus Black you will not speak of yourself that way! You are a cute, well rounded, smart, and sweet person, plus even for Evans I have never seen James this excited!

R.B: Oh well thanks Siri I guess it always does help to have such a great brother by my side.

S.B: Aww you will always have me Reg 🥰

R.B: This has gotten to cheesy I have to go get ready see you later!

S.B: Ttyl little Reg!

These messages are between James and Sirius

S.B: Hey James me and Moony are not at the house right now but we will see you and Reg at the movie.
S.B: Also I need to tell you something about my brother.

J.P: Ok what is it?

S.B: So Reg is really bad at feeling good about himself and is always putting himself down, and in the past it has gotten to the point where he tried to commit suicide.
S.B: I just wanted to ask you if you could try and make him feel like the amazing person he is, please?

J.P: Oh that poor baby! He will be ok I will make sure he feels good about himself!!! It is my honor to complete this mission!!

S.B: Thank you Prongs now I gtg bye!

J.P: Byeeeeee Padfoot ttyl!!! Oh and don't f*** before the movies you know your legs will be jelly!

S.B: Omg shut up James 😳

This next part is in real life

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