Chapter 24

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"Imani, can we talk before we leave?" James asked, him and Regulus were leaving soon. Regulus was already sitting at the table. James and Imani sat down, "so like, I'm well, we...."

"I'll do the talking babe," James giggled, "you know how you've been in foster care?"

"Yeah," Imani sighed, 'I really hope this is going where I think it's going!'

"So Reggie never really wanted children, but he met you and he's just, you're the perfect kid. And I've always wanted children. I just didn't know how or when and you are just amazing and the perfect opportunity. So it's really up to you, and we'd have to wait a few months, and all that so-"

"Imani would you mind if we adopt you?" Regulus couldn't hold it in, he was wearing an ear splitting grin.

"OH MY WORD YES YES YESSS!" Imani jumped up giving the two men a big hug. "Yes, yes, yesss!" James was already crying, soon Regulus and Imani joined.

Time skip brought to you by Ron having a pumpkin spice candle addiction.

James and Regulus got in the car, they would come back in July to get Imani, it was January. They talked to the agency and got everything settled. They hit the road, "coffee?" Regulus was driving this time.

"Of course, I can drive if you don't want to..."

"Potter, have faith in me! Now that I am the driver I get to pick the music!"

"Oh no-"

"Hamilton!" Regulus turned on his playlist. "How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore, and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean..." Regulus hummed along with the song. He paused the music pulling up to a Starbucks ordering their drinks and two cake-pops.

"Ever since Imani said yes he's been happier. It's fucking hot." James thought. They got their drinks and kept driving.

Time skip brought to you by Sirius running around Hogwarts in only a pride flag bc of a dare.


"I'm up, I'm up! Holy fucking bloody hell."

"Do you want to stop at a hotel and sleep or stay on the road?"

"You're the one driving babe. You pick."

"You are no fucking help, if I asked you does that mean I'm asking for my own opinion?"

"Fiiiine, let's find somewhere to crash." James pulled his phone out and found the nearest hotels. "This one has a hot tub." James smirked.

"James think cheaper." Regulus sighed.

"Yeah, yeah," James sighed, "ok this one's $60 bucks. One bed, bathroom, and tv." Regulus nodded.

They pulled up to the hotel, grabbing a backpack and only putting in the bare necessities. Once they changed and laid down, James turned the TV on, "they've got Zombieland playing!"

"No. I am not going to sleep to a disturbing movie filled with horny, reckless, fuckers." Regulus was lying to the side of James leaning, his head on James's chest. He had on hand up James's shirt, but not in a suggestive way, more like something calming. Feeling James's heartbeat. It was relaxing. "How about a The Great British Baking Show?" (Omg I love that show smh)


James just assumed that was a yes and turned it on.

With Remus and Sirius~
switching it up loves~

"Oh my gosh! REMUS THEY'RE COMING BACK HOME," Sirius ran over to Remus wrapping his arms around the giant. Remus chuckled giving Sirius a soft kiss on the top of his head. "I know Padfoot I'm in that group chat too." Remus wrapped his arms Sirius tightly then flopped on the couch. Sirius laying on top of Remus. "What do you want to do?"

"Want to go get drunk?"

"We did that yesterday, it's not healthy of you do that everyday." Sirius sighed, "we could watch movies and eat popcorn with M&M's in it?"

"Sure," Remus got up, "what movie do you want to watch?"


"Nope, not today." Remus picked out a random movie and put it in the CD player. "I'll go make the popcorn."

After the popcorn was made Remus sat on the couch, Sirius climbed into his lap, elbowing Remus in the face.

"Comfy?" Remus asked sarcastically.


20 minutes later

Remus had his arms around Sirius's waist, Sirius was leaning into Remus. They had about five blankets piled on top of themselves. "I really love you Rem, like love you if you wanted to we could fuck every single day." Sirius sighed.

"I don't know if you could handle that," Remus chuckled. "But I love you that much too."

"Ya' know, one day we should do that big ceremony thing, where there's like flowers and shit. Then like we go to the front and get all emotional and shit then we're like forever. Then have an after party with a lot of alcohol and presents." Sirius turned to face Remus laying his face in the crook of the tall males chest.

"You mean a wedding?"

"Yeah,we've been together for five I don't knowww..." Sirius sighed holding on to Remus tighter. Remus gasped then patted Sirius on the shoulder, "wait here." Sirius let go of Remus rolling off of him. Remus got up and just walked out.

"Holy shit he left....I shouldn't have brought it I should have the mother fucker is just being a fucking bitch, he doesn't deserve I don't deserve him fuck I really fucking messed up." Sirius's heart was racing, he was almost in tears when Remus walked back in.

"I really wanted this to be like on a date or something, holy fuck I'm doing this, umm fuck I love you?"

"...I love you too?" Sirius was confused, that is until Remus pulled a small box out of his cardigan. "Oh fuck holy shit fuck fuck fuck." Sirius jumped off the couch. Remus leant down on one knee, opening the box.

"Sirius Orion Black want to get married?" Remus asked.

"Why the fuck not?" Sirius squealed, Remus took his hand putting the ring on Sirius's finger. Sirius jumped into the kneeling man's arms already balling his eyes out. Remus was crying too, he leaned into Sirius who was on top of him holding him close. "Ya' know, you could have asked in better lighting. It's real dark over here."

"Shut the fuck up." Remus held Sirius tighter just laying there. "We've got an empty bedroom, James and Regulus won't be here until morning." Remus suggested. Sirius jumped up pulling Remus with him. "Off we go!" Sirius yelled.

1115 words

Ayoooo guess who's not deaddd?
Idk someone alive?

Anyways took me long enough to update. I'm at my grandmas rn and have a lot of time on my hands. I hope you are doing well! Have you had any water today? What about something to eat? If the answer to either of those questions is no I will come force food down your throat. You're beautiful, smart, and awesome so take care of yourself. 💛😤

Now for the joke of the day!

Child: "I'm hungry, can we get McDonald's?"

Parental Unit: "Hi hungry! I'm parental Unit!"

(I just said parental unit Bc I want all parents to feel funny)

Goodbye my loves!
-Maggie 💙💛💗

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