Chapter 17

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James woke up to Regulus cleaning around the room. He watched Regulus singing along to his Spotify playlist, the song on now was 'Sorry' by Halsey. His voice harmonized beautifully, each note of the music filled his body with grace making him glide across the room elegantly. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Regulus rolled his eyes once the song ended and he saw James.

"Why're you cleaning so early?" James yawned.

"It is only 5:56 am and I kinda couldn't sleep." Regulus replied his facial expression dropping.

"You can always wake me up, have you eaten anything? You need to eat before working hard or you could get sick."

"No I am not hungry." Regulus sighed, 'you're just burdening him you could have lied' he thought. Sweat started forming on his forehead, everything around him going blurry. He remembered the rubber band on his wrist, he pulled at it making it pop him in the skin. He kept doing that until he felt stable, he opened his eyes and saw James right at his side. "You ok?" Regulus gave him a quick nod. "Here let's go get something to eat." James lead Regulus to the kitchen holding onto him tightly, Mrs. Potter had already left for work she left a note on the counter top.

'Dear James and Regulus,
I have gone to work and will not be returning until tomorrow. You have the house to yourselves ;) well except for Hippo and the goats. Please feed them and water the garden. Regulus dear try to eat. James if I return and my my kitchen has any mess on it I will beat you like are still a child.

-𝐸𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟'

"Today we are in charge of the goats, the garden, and Hippo! Now I will make us some breakfast!" James exclaimed.

"Ok, doesn't sound to hard."

"Have you ever lived in a farm?" James questioned, eyebrows furrowed together.

"No it seems like a lot of work but if you have patience, determination, and plenty of love you can probably do it." Regulus replied dully.

"Sure," James said semi sarcastically. He pulled out some pans and started cooking omelets with ham, greens, peppers, cheese, and seasoning. He didn't add cheese to Regulus's so he wouldn't get sick. He popped the plates on the table pouring two cups of coffee. Once breakfast was ready he and Regulus sat down at the table. Regulus just looked at the food a sad expression on his face. "Hey, hey babe it's alright no lactose! And it's healthy so it'll make you strong!" James said making his voice go really deep making Regulus slightly smile. "I can't James, I just can't! I want to eat I really do but even the thought makes me uneasy!" Regulus threw his hands up. "I love you in all but I can't right now! This is stressful like what if he finds me! What if you end up like him! What if everyone leaves me again, They probably want to! What if-" Regulus realized what he said and how James's face dropped.

"I will never do what that bitch did to you and nobody is leaving you we all love y-." James said trying to not cry and grabbing Regulus's hand, Regulus flinched away.

"I-i-i I am so s-so sor- sorry...... I n-need to, to g-go!" Regulus made a run out of the house, Hippo followed closely. James couldn't help but burst into tears. He grabbed the plates and washed them cleaning the dishes and washing up the kitchen. He ended up doing the chores for the day by himself. The goats almost put him in a decent mood but he still sulked around sadly. Once he was done he put on a record and laid on the couch. He ended up sleeping until 5:30 pm, Regulus slipped back inside red puffy eyes, his body shaking and shivering, he had a grocery bag and a McDonald's bag. "J-j-James I, I am s-so so so so sorry, I-i j-j-just I couldn't and I......." James had woken up and was running towards Regulus wrapping him in a big hug, Regulus tried hard and didn't flinch, tears poured out his eyes. "Where did you go?" James asked.

"I went to Jude, I texted him and he said he was working a shift at the local grocery store but he could take his lunch break early." Regulus was still shaking. "I got you some McDonald's, and I got some lactaid, it's the medicine that lets me eat lactose."

"Aww thanks hunny, why are you so cold?" James asked wrapping his arms tighter around Regulus's fragile body.

"I-i don't really know but I am freezing." Regulus sighed.

"Awww come on babe let's watch a movie." James said pulling Regulus to the coach, once Regulus was sitting down he went to pick a movie, "hmmm, we've seen them all too many times. Wait, I have the perfect idea! Remember Quill from the soccer game and hangout?" James asked.

"Yeah, candy hair, Carmel skin, 80's vibe."

"Yeah, her family her family owns the town's drive in movie theater! We could go watch a movie there, plus I get a discount!"

"Ok, I'll go get blankets." Regulus said getting up and going to a closet filled to the top with blankets, he grabbed 6 blankets one for James and five for himself. "James I'm stealing your one of your hoodies!" Regulus yelled going to change. He only had on shorts and a t-shirt so he decided to change into warmer clothes. He put on a pair a dark green skinny jeans, James's High School Musical hoodie, black doc martens, and fuzzy socks. James knocked on the door, "you may come in." Regulus called out. James walked in, "a movie just started so we would be late but we can go get dinner then go to the next movie! So I want to make this official," James made a posh face bowing and in the most ridiculous voice he said, "Regulus Arcturus Black, will you accompany me as a lover on an outdoors cinematic adventure?"

"Why I would love to but I am in love with someone else!" Regulus said in a squeaky girly voice.

"But Regulus what about us? We have so much holding us together!"

"I am sorry but we are like peanut butter and jelly, we just don't go together!"

"Why Regulus, we could go together! We could be like pickles and peanut butter!" James exclaimed trying to keep a sad face.

"My peanut butter and pickles do go together greatly but it just isn't right not as right as baked beans and mayonnaise!"

"But we could be! Will you be the mayonnaise to my baked beans?" James asked kneeling down on one knee.

"I shall!" Regulus exclaimed pulling James back up and giving him a quick kiss. James wrapped his arms around Regulus's waist letting his laughter out, Regulus laughed along as well. "So where are we going to eat?" James asked.

1184 words

Howdy y'all! I know it's been a while but I have had a lot on my mind, a little stressed, and my anxiety levels are three the roof. I am fine other then that, how are y'all? I hope y'all are doing good.

Now for the joke of the day!

This graveyard looks SO overcrowded. People must be dying to get in!

If that joke was offensive I'm sorry.

I would like to thank someone special real quick, her name is Rae, she is beautiful, sweet, ambitious, and she puts up with me. (Y'all May know her as my co author.) I realized how much of my motivation to continue to write and do basic things like put in effort for simple tasks comes from her. So thanks babe, love you so much! 💛

Gn y'all, hope you have an awesome day!


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