Chapter 8

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"James Fleamont Potter! Je suis prêt à me préparer! S'il vous plaît, lâchez-moi avant mon retard." (Translation: I need to get ready! Please let go of me before I am late.) Regulus said after checking the time. James arms tightened around him. "JAMES!" Regulus squealed.

"Let go of me! Je n'ai jamais été en retard auparavant et aujourd'hui ne fait pas exception!" (Translation: I have never been late before and today is no exception!)

"Fine and what language are you speaking?" James said letting go of Regulus and yawning.

"French and do you still want to go with me to work?" Regulus asked walking into the bathroom.

"That's hot and sure!" James said blushing.

"Get your shoes on we need to stop at my place so I can changed!" Regulus walked out of the bathroom rambling in French.

"Ok I'm ready!" James said slipping on his crocs.

"Those shoes are horrendous! Anyway come on!" Regulus said grabbing his keys and walking out. James ran after him. They got in the car, Regulus got road rage and cussed all the other cars out in French. He ran into his apartment and changed within like 3 minutes. It amazed James how Regulus still looked amazing. They got back on the road James offered to drive but Regulus said no then something about James driving like an old lady. They made it to Regulus's work place fifteen minutes early which pleased Regulus.  James and Regulus walked in holding hands without even realizing.

"Regulus dear! Oh you brought James with you! Are you two dating yet?" Rosa asked looking at their hands.

"Yes ma'am." Regulus said face growing a deep shade of red. Regulus let go of James hand and gave Rosa a hug.

"How are you doing? I tried to get you another day off but the boss needed you here. It is just one file though."

"I am great! And you don't have to do all this for me Rosa I can handle whatever the boss needs me to do."

"Regulus you would work yourself to death if it wasn't for me! Plus James wouldn't have anyone to cuddle!" James face went red.

"My Rosa look at the time I must start on that file! Come on James!" Regulus said hiding his face and grabbing James hand, pulling him to one of the back offices. It was so clean inside James thought this was the first time somebody entered it. It had a bookshelf filled with books and mini hippos. There was a picture with Hippo, the cat, on his desk. He had a filing cabinet that was labeled and all neat. Regulus pulled a chair next to his and motioned for James to sit. James sat down and wrapped an arm around Regulus.

"Ok this should take about 30 minutes sit tight until then and after we will need to hang out here for a little longer." Regulus said pulling out a file.

"Ok so this is all you do? Maybe I can help?"

"Yes and let me look at the file and get a feel for it if I feel like you could help I'll let you."

"Kay lil' spoon." James said keeping an arm around Regulus's waist and play Candy Crush on his phone.

Thirty minute time skip brought to you by James's horrible music taste.

"All done babe!" Regulus said standing up to put the file away.

"Good I got through 20 levels in candy crush." James said putting his phone away. He grabbed Regulus's hand. "Hmmmm so nobody will come in?"

"Nope, what are you doing?" Regulus asked seductively.

"Come here." James said pulling Regulus onto his lap so Regulus legs wrapped around him. James arms wrapped around Regulus's waist while Regulus's ended up around James neck. Regulus put his forehead to James's and connected their lips. It started slow and passionate but it slowly got fast and heated. James bit Regulus's lip so his mouth would open, slipping his tongue inside. Regulus tried to get dominance but couldn't fight back. James searched around Regulus's mouth feeling his teeth and all around them. Regulus ran his hands trough James hair. It was so soft and fluffy. James hands slipped up Regulus's shirt. Regulus's skin was so soft and he had like zero body fat 'when I take him to meet mom she will not do with him this paper thin, she will force feed him until he gains weight' James thought. James felt all over Regulus's chest still kissing him passionately.

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