Chapter 16

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"So, what do you think of my friends?" James asked. They were back at James' house. Regulus was sitting on the bed and James was cross-legged on the floor. "Oh, they're cool," Regulus said rather absently. James looked hard at him. "Bae, you good?" "Yeah, why?" "You just seem... sad, and distracted. I just wanna make sure you're all good. I just wanna make sure you're happy." A sudden look of fear flitted across Regulus's face.

"He said the same thing... He used the same tactic... He pretended he cared and then he used me and-"

"Regulus I really do care! I'm not Barty Crouch and-"

"No you don't! Nobody cares about me! Nobody ever has! I'm a worthless failure and I wouldn't blame you if you broke my heart-"

"Reg, I'm not going to break your heart! Aw, come here." He slid onto the bed next to Regulus and wrapped his arms around him. It struck him how thin Regulus was. He could feel his ribs. Regulus was suddenly clinging to James as if he was the one safe thing in the whole world. After a few minutes, Regulus pulled away. "Thank you," he said. Then, suddenly, "are you mad at me?" "What? No, of course not, my love. Why would I be mad?" "I compared you to a horrible person and I said you didn't care?" "I'm not mad about that. I forgive you." They looked at each other for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" James asked. Regulus hesitated. "Y-yes." "You sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." "Yes. I'm sure."

James pulled him into a deep, long, gentle, kiss. Regulus pulled away after a few minutes and smiled. "Better?" James asked. "Yup. Thanks." "Of course! I still think you should talk to my mom, though." "The therapist doctor person?" "Yeah." "Fiiiine." "Do it now." "Wait what?" "Do it now. She's in the den, downstairs." "Fiiiine, mister pushy." James laughed as Regulus stood up and went downstairs.


"Yes, Regulus, my dear?" "Can I talk to you? James wants me to because you're a therapist doctor person."

"I am, in fact, a therapist doctor person. And, yes, of course you can talk to me. Sit down."

He sat down beside her. Before he knew what was happening, he was pouring out everything, things he hadn't even told James, things he hadn't even told Sirius.

Euphemia hugged Regulus tightly. "Poor child," she said. "I'm sorry that happened to you. That's horrible. Have you ever gotten a diagnosis?"

"Yeah. PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, depression, and anorexia."

"Well, I'm always here if you need to talk again."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course! Tell you a secret?"


"Out of all the people James has ever dated, you're my favorite."

"Aw, thank you!"

"Of course! It's true."

"Well, I should probably go find James, so he doesn't think I died."

"That sounds like a good idea," Euphemia said with a laugh.

Word count: 495

Uh, hi, I'm Bi Potato Chip or Rae. Uh, sorry this isn't very long, I write oneshots. I'm Maggie's... Uh... Co-writer/editor, and uh, I was bored. So, to follow her theme of puns,

I have a horse named mayo.

And sometimes.

Mayo neighs.


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