Chapter 6

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"Hey James get ready we are going out." Sirius called.

"I think I should stay home." James said.

"Nope and dress decent we are going out to eat." Sirius said walking in to James's room.

"Ok fine where are we going?"

"This place down town."

"That's oddly vague." James said getting up.

"Well you will see when we get there just get ready and look decent!" Sirius said walking out. "Oh and be quick!" James got ready and got in the car Sirius and Remus where sitting in the front holding hands. Remus started driving without mentioning where they where going. After about fifteen minutes they stopped.

"This is where we get out!" Remus said motioning for James to exit the car. After James got out and closed the door Remus drove off.

"HEY THAT IS NOT NICE!" James yelled starting to tear up. "I THOUGHT WE WHERE FRIENDS!"

"H-hey Big spoon." Said a shadowy figure.

"Wait n-no is it you Reg?"

"Yep the one and only." He said walking out of they shadows. "Come here." James ran up to Regulus wrapping him in a huge hug. James lifted Regulus off his feet and spun him around. Regulus squealed in joy. "James put me down!"

"Ok, but when did you get back?"

"Sometime around lunch. I texted Sirius and told him to bring you here so we could go on our date." Regulus said still hugging onto James.

"What happened on the mission?"

"Oh can that wait until after dinner?"

"Sure! I am just so glad you are back!"

"Aw thanks now come on! I believe we have a date this evening." Regulus said holding James's hand. They got in Regulus's car and drove to a trail. Regulus got out of the car and pulled out a pick nick basket. They walked the trail hand in hand admiring the scenery. They got to a clearing in the trees and set the pick nick up.

"It's beautiful Reg!"

"Thanks I thought you might want to go to dinner but after the mission I just needed a break." Regulus sighed.

"Oh no it's fine and speaking of which what happened?"

"Ok so the mission was going well until Monday, see these people where selling illegal drugs. We caught most of them but there where two more groups they teamed up. On Sunday we went to inspect one of their bases. We got jumped and they kept us captive. Almost got shot and I got beaten." When he said that James realized that Regulus wore close that covered as much of his body as possible. "The people I work for sent in back up and we escaped then they got arrested with the other group." The Regulus's eyes got wide. "Nothing much happened, but how's Hippo? Did you feed her? Was she good? Is she safe? Did you hurt her?"

"N-no, I fed Hippo each day and played with her. She was sweet and loves cuddles." James said laughing at how protective Regulus could be. "And why are you this worried about Hippo when you where almost shot and- WAIT DID THEY PATCH YOU UP PROPERLY?" James said.

"I tried to patch myself up, I did a decent job." Regulus said shrugging.

"No after the pick nick you will come home with me and I will patch you up properly!" James demanded.

"But James I did a decent job."

"No buts you are coming and there is no point in arguing!"

"Oh and about why I am worried about Hippo is because when I moved out from my parents house I was lonely. Me and Sirius weren't talking and I just needed someone. That was when I tried to commit suicide. But Sirius helped greatly and got me Hippo. We became great friends and I didn't feel as lonely and Hippo loves to cuddle which was a great bonus!"

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