Chapter 11

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James woke up to loud sobs and screams coming from his bedroom he immediately shot up and ran to the room. He saw Regulus shaking and tossing under the blanket. He ran to his side and yelled. "Wake up Cutie! You are safe and you will stay that way! Wake up, please!" James shook Regulus. Regulus woke up sweating. Once he opened his eyes, right when he saw James he latched onto him for dear life. "J-James he-he-he will find me! I-I can't do this anymore!" Regulus said. He tried to get up and bolt to the bathroom, but James grabbed his arm.

"L-let me go you don't care about me you will just use me like he did!" Regulus tried to pull away tears streaming down his face.

"I do care Cutie-"

"D-don't call me that j-just leave me alone will you." Regulus's voice never got louder then a whisper.

"No I love you Reg and you need help." James said tears forming in his eyes.

"Love is just a word to make people feel wanted! Everyone that tells me that words leaves me James! Please just let me go." Regulus said.

"No, I won't and I would never tell you I love you and just leave! Come here." James said a little softer. He pulled Regulus into his embrace. Regulus tried to flinch away but failed and just sunk into James arms.

"Can you sleep in here with me? Just don't touch me?" Regulus asked.

"Sure do you want me to sleep on the floor or on the bed?" James whispered trying to match how loud Regulus was being.

"You can sleep on the bed, I just don't want to feel like I am pushing you away." Regulus said getting up and curling up in the blankets.

"Regulus I will never leave you and I understand that this will take time. I will wait for you as long as I need to." James said laying down.

"Ok thanks again." Regulus said trying to smile but failing. Regulus laid in the middle of the bed making it extremely difficult for James to lay there without touching him. They fell asleep after a little but James didn't know that Regulus moved in his sleep. James woke up early that morning to Regulus cuddled up on his chest he needed to get out of this before Regulus woke up and what made it worse Regulus was like the lightest sleeper. He slipped Regulus arms off of him and untangled their legs carefully. After 30 minutes James finally got free to get ready for work. He took a quick shower then made sure to call Rosa.

"Hey Rosa so do you know what happened to Regulus?"

"Yes and he has the rest of the month off. The boss was only gonna give him a week but I stepped in."

"Aww thanks Rosa he's gonna need it. I just wanted to know if he had work."

"Ok well I'll let you go then, bye hon!"

"Bye Rosa!" James said before hanging up.

"JAMES!" Remus yelled. James ran to the kitchen to see Remus on the table and Hippo on the ground. "WHO THE F*** IS THAT?!?!"

"That's Hippo Regulus's cat, did Sirius tell you what happened to him?"

"No and will Hippo bite?" Remus said still on the table.

"Nope, I'll make some tea and tell you what happened." James said getting to work on the tea. James explained the whole thing and the two had tea. Hippo stayed far away from Remus and Remus stayed far away from Hippo. James fed the cat before leaving to work. Today was his day to open up. He always looked forward to today because Ms. McGonagall  was coming in. She always came on the first Saturday of every month.

"Ah James have you been reading?" She said walking in.

"Yes Minnie have you had any Marauders worthy kids this term?"

"I don't think any kids could be as troublesome as y'all where." She laughed lightly.

"Hmm I don't know maybe if we all have children?" James said.

"That would be the end of me, I might have to stop teaching! Got any new albums?"

"I have just the one for you and I don't think that you have the heart to stop teaching."

"Probably oh how are you and Regulus?" Minerva asked, James blushed.

"How do you know about me and Regulus?"

"Teachers know everything now tell me."

"Fine, here come sit." James said motioning to the table behind the counter. She sat down and James told her almost everything. Even at Hogwarts he could never lie to her she was like a second mother to him and all the Marauders. She listened and excepted their relationship happily. Her and James had a great late morning but eventually it came to an end. She had to go for lunch with one of her little friends. Dorcas was bringing James lunch today, she decided on some soup place. After lunch James had the day off. So he planned on hanging out with Regulus. On the way home he stopped at chick-fil-a and got chicken noodle soup, a large fry, and a lemonade.

He unlocked the door and walked in to see Remus on the couch with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. "Hey James, Regulus came out of the room once so far I have gone in a few times. He came out to get the demon cat."

"Hippo is a sweetheart, and that's a start!" James said determinedly. Remus went back to his book and James went to the bedroom. Regulus was kind of just laying there, you wouldn't think he's alive if he wasn't petting Hippo. "I brought food Detective Clouseau!" James said walking over to the boy. He looked over to James.

"I'm not hungry but thanks." He said without any emotions.

"Have you eaten at all today?"

"No I, I just don't feel hungry." That's a lie. Regulus thought. 'I don't deserve to eat I deserve a sad miserable life.'

"Regulus eat or I will make you." James said firmly making Regulus flinch.  "I'm sorry but you need to eat or you will just suffer more." James said. Regulus just shook his head. "Wait I know just the person who can help! She's the best I learned everything from her! Can we go on a little trip?" James asked.

"Fine, who is it?"

"You'll see when we get there!" James said getting up to pack his stuff. "EAT!" He said while packing. Regulus ate a few spoonfuls of soup and but he couldn't eat the fries due to the lactose in them.

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Hey y'all! I am going to try to update at least once a week. It may not work out and no promises but I will  try my hardest. 

Now for the joke of the day:

Q: How do you make a tissue dance?

A: You put a little boogie in it! 🤣

Ok ok I'm done now. Bye y'all!

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