Chapter 7

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Hey so in this chapter they will play truth dare, kiss or swear. Truth and dare are the same, but kiss you have to kiss whoever they say and swear you have to swear not to do something.

"Hey, hey wake up Little spoon." James cooed softly at Regulus shaking him slightly. Regulus turned over slightly tightening his grip on James. "Aww you are adorable, but you need to wake up."

"James you are getting no where doing that, this how it's done." Sirius said getting up and walking over to Regulus putting his face near Regulus's ear. "REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK ALL THE HIPPOS ARE DEAD AND YOU WILL BE TOO!"

"Wait what? WAIT NO NOT THE HIPPOS TAKE SIRIUS!" Regulus said shorting up from his spot and looking around. "Wait they are not dead you are a jerk Sirius!" He said crawling back to James wrapping his arms around the messy haired boy not caring that Sirius was standing right there. James laughed and hugged Regulus back.

"Well I had to wake you up! James was just cooing at you and he made no progress! Plus we want to play sleepover games!"

"Fine, is there any more coffee?"

"Yep I will go make you some real quick so we can finally play." Sirius said walking out. Regulus realized that Remus wasn't in the room either.

"You are so warm, and you smell nice." Regulus said half asleep.

"Aww thanks but don't fall back asleep or Sirius will kill both of us. You really do like to cuddle." James laughed. Regulus pulled a big blanket on top of his head to hide his blushing face. James just held him closer.

"Sup gays!" Remus said walking in. "I assume all the shouting earlier means Regulus is awake?" Regulus just pulled his hand out of the blanket sand gave him a thumbs up. Squishing his face into the crook of James neck.

"I am back with your coffee just the way the black brothers like it! Black like ours souls!" Sirius said putting the coffee on the table.

"If your soul had a color it would be neon orange cause you just need attention." Regulus mumbled bitterly.

"I am offended I don't even know how James can handle you!" Sirius said waving his hands in the air dramatically.

"He has good taste."

"Nah. Anyway get your lazy butt up before I throw a globe at you!"

"Fine," Reg huffed standing up to stretch then grabbing his coffee. James sat up on the couch making room for Regulus.

"Nope we are sitting on the ground!" Remus said walking over to a corner filled with blankets and pillows. They all got up and walked over to the circle sitting on bean bags. "I am going first, Regulus truth or dare, kiss or swear?"

"Truth." Regulus said putting his coffee on a small table near them.

"Ok then, who was your first crush?"

"Oh umm maybe when I was straight this boy I would play in the playground with, oh what was his name? Oh wait I remember it was Elliott he was so cute." Regulus said sweetly.

"Do you remember all your crushes?" James asked.

"Yep only had four though. Don't judge Mr. goes out with a girl then says he's gay."

"Well I am not gay for your information! I am pan!"

"Shut up we are playing a game!" Sirius said.

"Fine, now Sirius truth or dare, kiss or swear?"

"Umm kiss." Sirius said hoping to kiss Remus.

"Ok kiss James in the lips for 5 seconds."

"Wait what? He's my best mate and almost your boyfriend!"

Jegulus Texting AUWhere stories live. Discover now