5. Fans?!

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Hello guys, 😁

Sorry for the late update, 😓

Here is another chapter of Break Free, 😎

Enjoy 😜


Lucy POV

Lucy: Ouch...Eh?

When I am not dizzy anymore, I look up to see pink hair. Wait... pink hair! NATSU? What is he doing here? and the hard thing was his chest!  It almost made a bump on my head. Ow...but as soon as we noticed the awkward position, we were blushing deep red.    O///O

Lucy: Natsu, What are you doing here? 

Natsu : Oh hello Lucy, so... you... live here now I live in the flat just in front of your flat.

Lucy: That's nice to know, I am your new neighbour. Now will you please get off me?!

Natsu : Oh sorry...* gets off me and offers a hand to pick me up*

I accept his hand and get up. Then ask him his reason of rushing here and he says

Natsu : Its a little long story that I will tell you in short. You know that I am a singer in the band, right? *I nod my head* and I have loads of fans. So, before you shifted, whenever my fans surround my flat, I would rush to this flat because this was the closest, so I hide here and enjoy for an hour or two. Would you mind if I come to your flat for some time? *inhales deeply and looks at me with puppy dog eyes*

Lucy: Uh... *peeks out of the door and sees a crowd gathered in front of the door of Natsu's flat and quickly closes the door of her flat * I guess that's fine, now that we are neighbours and~ friends...maybe

Natsu POV

Natsu: Yes, we are friends and neighbours. So I can come here anytime, right? 

Lucy: Now that you have said we are friends then why are you asking? Come on in. Are you hungry I will make something for you and then maybe we shall watch some movies.

Natsu: Thanks a lot Lucy, wait I am coming to help you.*goes to the kitchen following Lucy*

Since Lucy moved in today she did not have many ingredients but she had bought some packs of popcorn and noodles

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Since Lucy moved in today she did not have many ingredients but she had bought some packs of popcorn and noodles. I was helping Lucy make a big pack of popcorn. While making them, we talked about each other and the residents in the building.I told her about my band, I, Jellal and Gajeel were the only members of the band.I told also told her that all of us are like a family and we think that Erza and Jellal belong together, they must be secretly married (too much fantasy😊) or secretly dating or they shall date in future or~at least we all ship them together (Yes! Jerza). Lucy told me about her meeting Levy in my concert and we both were blushing when we were~ at least I was thinking about the time when our eyes met. I snapped out of my thoughts when Lucy told me that the popcorn was ready and we just had to select a movie and settle on the couch.

Lucy: Natsu, Why don't you go and choose one of the movies from the bunch of DVDs there? After that sit on the sofa I shall join you in a minute.

Lucy: Natsu, Why don't you go and choose one of the movies from the bunch of DVDs there? After that sit on the sofa I shall join you in a minute

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Natsu: Okay Luce~ * Goes through the mess of DVDs* Hmm... We have "Spiderman", "Men In Black", The Lost Island"~ Hey you have "Case Closed" too let's see this I could not see it in the past. I love to see animated movies that I could not see as a kid.

When I was small my parents were not exactly 'cruel'. They wanted me to be study hard and practice my curricular activities regularly, so my childhood was not the best time a 'kid' could enjoy. They wanted me to be successful in life but I could not do what I as a child could during his/her time. I had a fixed schedule and no time to watch childish cartoons/ anime/ movies or play games with my friends. So, I didn't have the 'best' relation with my friends as a result I don't have any means of contact with my childhood 'friends' in other words I don't think they can be called friends I don't even remember those strangers.

Lucy POV

As my childhood was not as delightful as a normal kid's was. By lots of difficulties or lot of crying I had convinced Mr Heartfilia to buy a doll for me to keep me company, asking movies or cartoons were far from my imagination. I had borrowed some from Levy and Mira while shifting here for time pass at night before sleep or when I didn't have anything to do.

Lucy: Even I could not watch these anime/ movies in the past maybe together we can make up for most of that time that we missed as children... I-I m-mean the movies and things we could not do while we were children. 

Control your emotions Lucy. You can not let anyone one find out your real identity. No need to remember those days of pain now. I have a new and harmonious life better than a heartless life without the chance to see the clear blue sky.

I sat beside Natsu on the big sofa. Literally the sofa was huge why do we need a bed if we have such a sofa. I kept the popcorn on the table in front of me. We were watching the movie peacefully when there was a knock on the door.

Lucy: I will look out for the fans and take a look at whoever is there at the door, okay? *Natsu nods his head*

I stand up and walk towards the door. I open the door.

Lucy: Eh?! What are you doing here?


Cliffhanger again 

Who do you think is at Lucy's door now? Any guesses? 🤔

Please give suggestions that might be very helpful.  😇

 Please vote because that tells me if you want me to continue the story 😃

Well you shall find out in the next update 🤗

See you next Thursday.   Bye.  👋🏻


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