Bonus Chapter

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I have written a bonus chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

So you know about the epidemics - to be specific~ Corona Virus or COVID 19

So in this chapter the scene is supposed to be after Corona at Fairy Tail.



I know most of you know about Fairy Tail but just a short summary~
" In this Magical Earth Land was a city called Magnolia where here was a very powerful guild* called Fairy Tail where once upon a time... " { whose who don't have any idea about this. I request to you watch the anime 'Fairy Tail' by Hiro Shima to know more }


It was a normal day- wait did I say normal- no I mean a normal corona day at Magnolia. Everyone was in their apartments/ bungalows. Very few people where out on streets wearing masks and the number of mages in Fairy Tail was even fewer. The only thing that was huge in number was the number of job requests on the board though no one was surprised when the requests were not decreasing in number, because many of them were at hold no matter how urgent. The mages were not at all interested in the job because they had to where masks and carry a lot of immunity increasing supplies with them.

But some things did not change~ 

Lucy was in her apartment, just coming out of her bathroom after a refreshing bath. Entering the kitchen to make a breakfast she was going to turn on the stove when she heard... footsteps. In her apartment from her bedroom. Not at all surprised she walked over to the door of her bedroom opened it to reveal Natsu with his scarf tied on his mouth as well as wrapped around his head looking like a ninja and acting as one as well.He looked her way and had just taken a step towards her when she yelled, practically loud enough to turn someone near her, deaf.


Natsu expression almost looked like he was upset and offended at the same time. He pouted and turned towards the bathroom door. Even if he was a little upset but deep inside he knew Lucy just wanted to provide protection for herself and him. At first being the little dumb self he is, he took a lot of time to understand the situation with corona going on around and it was very tiring. It took almost a day for him to understand.

He was done with his bath and Lucy made breakfast for both of them, he came up to the kitchen and hugged Lucy from back muttering a 'Good Morning' in her ears. For Lucy this had almost become a normal routine except for a small blush which spread across her cheeks as she muttered back a sweet 'Good Morning Natsu' back to him. She moved out of his grasp setting the last plate on the table and sitting down with Natsu to eat.

Both  : Itadakimasu! 

Lucy : * swallowing a piece of bread* Hey Natsu, Where's Happy?

Natsu : * talking while eating* Happhy ishh sweepihng I *gulp half of the food in and fill the space with food again* -twieg whapping hifp uuff bufh hess too *tried to gulp in at once* wazyy *choking* (Translation- Happy is sleeping, I tried waking him up but he is too lazy)

Lucy : *Slaps her forehead* You shouldn't talk while eating you know? * gets up and brings a glass of water* here.

Natsu : *Gulps it all at once* Thanks Luce

Lucy sighs and nods her head. It seems like she remembers something suddenly. She runs to her bedroom and comes back within a minute... hiding something behind her. Natsu gets up and tries to look at it but Lucy tells him to wait a bit as she turns around and turns back facing Natsu.
Natsu looks surprised as he looks at her half covered face which right now shows nothing but her chocolate brown eyes. She wore a mask beautifully designed and covering most of her face.

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