8. ...A Date?

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Hello Guys and Gals   😃

Here is a new chapter of Break Free

Enjoy   😄


Natsu POV

I never knew I was so popular! There were posters, hoardings~ even action figures displaying me, Jellal and Gajeel but the most popular ones were mine with a guitar. Oh I loved it. With me not being kid-like in my childhood, meant that my childish behaviour were emerging now.

 I was in a disguise looking out for places where I will take Lucy as soon as she knocks off work. There was still time and I had to prepare for... for the meet? Why am I so excited to meet her again? Why do I want to hangout with her? Why do I... feel to happy whenever I think of seeing her beside me smiling happily? Her little giggles making my heart light up with joy? These questions surrounded me and soon realised that I was lost in thoughts. 

I was walking through the roads, the mall and every place I found interesting. Noticing the wonderful places I also bought few treats and drinks. Soon it was time, I rushed to the restaurant and pushed the door open. 

Lucy was in her casual clothes and was talking to Mira on the counter. She noticed me and smiled. I went near her and greeted Mira. Mira greeted me. Lucy and Mira said their goodbyes. As Mira went inside the counter, I instinctively held Lucy's hand and pulled her out of the restaurant. I could see the blush rising till her ear but I was running forward so that she could not see my face that was heating up, my cheeks as red as possible. I tried controlling myself and stopped running making Lucy dash into my back.

Lucy: Ow... Natsu...

Natsu: Sorry Luce, um... so ready to go?

Lucy: Yes but where are we going?

Natsu: Now that~ is a surprise *Takes out a cloth from his pocket ties it around her eyes* Follow my lead *Holds her hands and intertwines fingers*

Lucy: Okay then, BRING IT ON!!!

I snicker at seeing Lucy so excited. She is so pretty.

Natsu: Let's go!

Lucy POV

This is the first time I don't feel sad to be surrounded by darkness. Maybe... it's because of the warmth that I feel which is...I believe my hand in Natsu's. It's only been a day but I believe him so much that I could let him lead me as my eyes are closed. I don't understand why but I feel like I can trust him like I want to trust him.

Lucy: Natsu? Are we there yet?

Natsu: No...not yet~ wait! you don't have motion sickness right? Or hydrophobia? Or anything that is problematic? If you do I can adjust and maybe cancel that part or-

Lucy: No Natsu, I won't have any problem~ Don't worry and don't panic.

Natsu: I... I am not freaking out!! *mumbles something ( Why am I so nervous? )* I just had to make sure.

Lucy: You were freaking out? Why?

Natsu: Well... You know... We are here! *slips his hand out of her hold and removes the blindfold*

This is so weird, it feels so strange, his warmth~ it makes me feel so comfortable, it makes me feel as if I can sleep in without any worries and stay in his embrace till eternity.

Natsu: Come on Luce, take my hand. 

I opened my eyes to see Natsu on a small boat stretching out his hand, so that I may accept it and take his hand that was offering to help me. Which I gladly accept and sit in the rocking boat

Lucy: Thank you Natsu. *boat starts moving and Lucy looks in the water to see her reflection*

Natsu POV

Lucy looks gorgeous especially when the orange light of sunset fell on her face as she smiled admiring her reflection in the clear river water and lifted her head to look at her surroundings then she looked at me and smiled that bright smile which instinctively made me smile too. She is so pretty and her smile, so innocent.

Lucy: Natsu... Is this... I-Is this... a date?

Her question made me snap out of the thoughts which were wildly wandering in my mind.  "Is this a date?" the question filled up my mind. Is it?

Natsu: I... It... It can be~ if you want it to be. Do you? 

I asked her hoping for an answer~most probably positive. I was blush and so was she.

Lucy: Sure... I would love it. What about you?

Yes! Yes! YES! I want to shout out to the world the answer to the question. I am so happy I think my face was bright enough to yell to the sun that today I am the brightest of all.

Natsu: Yes, I would love that Lu- 

A wave knocked the boat really hard, which made the boat shake a lot. I was afraid it may turn over but I felt relieved when I saw that the boat was very strong and resistant but the wave was strong enough for it to make me jump from my seat and fall on [ or for ] Lucy. I quickly supported my fall by placing my hand on the wooden seat on which Lucy was siting as a result she fell back and my face a few inches above hers. I really hoped that she could not hear my heartbeat which was pacing, I felt as if my heart would pop out any second. I managed to look at Lucy, she was blushing and her blush had risen till her ears she looked so cute. Maybe I was not in a better situation as well, I felt my cheeks burn. I was nervous and I felt as if a wrong move would me with regret. As I tried getting off her she made the same movement thus making us fall again. The movements made my nose brush hers and we were blushing more than before (if possible). 

Natsu: I-Le-Let m-me m-move first. 

I was stuttering. I moved up first and sat on my seat then Lucy sat on her seat. There was silent but a comfortable one. We looked around and saw all the beautiful sceneries. Then we reached the actual place. I got up and moved out of the wobbling boat. I helped Lucy out of the boat and took out the cloth again. I tied it on Lucy's eyes and held her hand.

Lucy: N-Natsu, w-what are you doing?

Natsu: Luce, the surprise is not over yet. Just trust me and come with me.

Lucy: Okay then...


Another surprise? What could it be?    🤔

Wanna know?

Be Patient. You will come to know the next day.   😝

Bye...       😇


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