10. Home Sweet Home

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Hello Guys and Gals 😃

I am back with another chapter of Break Free. 😜

Also "Break Free" now has 200+ views now 💖

Thank you so much 😇

So here you go... Enjoy!! 😁


Natsu POV

I woke up, the early morning light blinding me. My eyes took their time to adjust and cleared my hazy vision to see... an angelic face ~My Angel ~  I wish I could wake up like this everyday~ My arms around her waist and our legs tangled together. I kiss her forehead and look forward to the beautiful scene in front of me. The early sun lighting up the place and the petals of the sakura trees floating down. The sun reflecting its rays off my beautiful lady's skin~ My Lucy ~ I looked around and took my legs out of the entanglement. I bent down and pecked lips, greeting her with a sweet but quiet "Good Morning".

I got up and saw Lucy waking up to the bright morning rubbing her swollen eyes in a cute way and soon she got up and stood near me, yawning and stretching her hands, she leaned and supported her head by keeping it on my shoulder. She held my hand with hers and intertwined her fingers between mine. I kept my head on hers and tightened my grip on her hand as we caught a sight of the early sun with the red and orange sky. ~Its so beautiful... she is so beautiful... this feeling is so beautiful~ I thought. I wonder if it made a perfect picture like this. ~She and Me, Lucy and Natsu, Us~ I don't think my brain was in control of what I was thinking anymore. So I forgot, I forgot the past, I forgot what was in hand for future and I forgot everything that concerned me in that moment because my brain could no longer control me, it was my heart making me go crazy right now. So I just tried to listen what it was trying to convey. Nothing else mattered. I knew how selfish this was but for once I wanted to just think about me, about us and only us. ~I love her~

Lucy POV

We saw the beautiful scene, even though the whole time I think Natsu was looking at me. He is so cute sometimes. Now we were packing up, and ready to go back home. Finally, a place to call home. We held hands and I checked the time .

Lucy : Hey Natsu, its 7:45 already lets go. Levy will be worried if she noted I was.... missing.

I checked my calls I had 5 missed calls and 9 texts from Levy. Oh no what have I done~


9:42 pm

2 Missed Calls

Levy-chan: Lu-chan where are you? Are you not in the apartment? I rung your doorbell more than 5 times but you didn't answer. If you're asleep I will come in the morning I just wanted to check up on u anyway. Good Night.


7:00 am 

Levy-chan: Lu-chan are u up? I know u are an early bird. If u are awake please open up I am concerned now. Please text me as soon as you read my messages.

7:15 am

Levy-chan: Lu-chan I don't think you are at your apartment I have rung your doorbell at least a hundred times now. Are you ok?

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