12. Get Ready

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Hey guys

I am back

And here is a chapter



Natsu POV

Finally, we are done practicing. I could not wait to see Luce anymore.

I went to her apartment and rang the doorbell, I heard footsteps,  Oh did I mention I have really good ears and nose. Soon Lucy opened the door and told me to enter. She was in a hurry and working around the house like 'Flash'.

Natsu: Luce why are you in such a hurry?

Lucy: Natsu, Idon'thavetimehavetochoosedressandgetreadyIdidn'tdoanything, oh nooo...
(I don't have time, have to choose and get ready. I didn't do anything, oh no)

She said this and went into the room running. I might have understood a thing or two. She said that in a hurry and she did not choose a dress, don't ask me how I understood, I don't know.

I knocked on her bedroom door and asked if I could come in. A faint yes was spoken from the other side of the door. I walked in. I saw a bunch of dresses and a huge mess with my Lucy in a messy bun looking around frantically. 


I shook my head I had no idea about girl's fashion. I needed lessons for this but I knew who was the best in fashion, so I asked Lucy to wait and I ran out of the door to the ground floor.

Lucy POV

I was in panic mode. My room was a mess and I was drowning in this ocean of clothes, Natsu ran down after shouting, "Just wait". I gave up and sat down on the bed. I closed my eyes for a few moments and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and saw Natsu at my bedroom door, he entered with Juvia behind him.

Natsu: As you know this is Juvia, also she is the best in fashion in this flat

Juvia: Hi Love Rival, Juvia heard of a fashion emergency, do you need Juvia's help?

Lucy: (Love Rival?) Uhh, I would really like some help with these clothes. I don't know what to wear tonight at the concert, please help.

Juvia: Sure Lucy would love to help Love Rival.

Natsu: Luce I have to go, I have to get ready for the big night, it takes a lot of time you know, makeup, clothes, practice with the group. I will see you backstage in the evening. Bye Love~

He gave a quick peck on my cheek and gave a wink before turning out and leaving.
While I was sitting there with a slight blush and a smirking Juvia. 

 Juvia: Finally, Love Rival and Natsu san are together. Uhm   *clears throat* let's get to work.

I get off my bed and show her the mess. I look at her, she looked excited and well she had stars in her eyes... literally.

Juvia: Love Rival has such a wonderful collection. Would Love Rival wear these and show Juvia?

I said yes and Juvia handed me clothes one by one. I changed into them in my bathroom and showed Juvia, it seemed as if I was a model in a fashion show.

 I changed into them in my bathroom and showed Juvia, it seemed as if I was a model in a fashion show

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