7. Blush at contact

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Hey guys and gals
Here is another chapter of Break Free
Lucy POV
Natsu: Will you be my best friend? I know we have known each other for only a few weeks and this... This is a big question for two people who met days ago and I did not know how to ask you this so I became really nervous and-
[I know, I know don't be disappointed it's just it's not the time yet.]
Lucy: Yes Natsu, Sure I will be your best friend.
It felt as if he was going to... I never had a friend and Levy was my first friend ever. I want to know how it feels to have a best friend. I have heard everyone say it's the feeling the makes you feel happy and safe. Also he was so nervous when he was going to ask me to be his best friend then~ how nervous will he be when he will have to reveal his love to his crush?
Lucy:*giggles while thinking and is lost in thoughts*
Natsu: Luce... Luce... LUCE!
Lucy: *snaps out of her thoughts* Oh sorry about that but now you are my best friend. So... Best friend, breakfast will be ready soon you can go to your flat and get ready and come back to eat because I made food for you too or you can get ready here.
While living in the caged building I learnt to cook, read, play and spent time by myself. I learnt to live life by myself so, I know how to provide myself all necessities of life. When will the past let go of me...
Lucy: Oh... And Natsu I will have to leave the apartment around 12 because today will be the first day of my job in Mira's restaurant. Is that ok?
Natsu: *opening the door* Yes Luce you can lock the apartment or I will take care of it later. I don't have anything to do today, so maybe I will also visit you at the restaurant later. I am going to get ready at my apartment then I will be back to eat the breakfast which smells delicious. See you later Luce *waves his hand and closes the door behind him*

My POV ( Oh god I wanted to be in the story so much)

# Time Skip after breakfast #
Luce: Bye Natsu gotta go *says while turning back*
Natsu: *Dashing towards her* Wait Luce you forgot your-
Natsu rushes "almost" into Lucy as she was turning towards him to say a small goodbye. He was really close to Lucy and when Lucy turned at the same time, his lips brushed against her forehead,thus an "accidental" kiss ( Yessss, A goodbye kiss.. Awww)
Natsu: - bag...*blushing pink*
Lucy: ...Oh Thanks a lot Natsu *blushing red* Bye see you later.
Natsu: Ya Bye.
[ Aww they are so cuteeee... Oh no I am turning into Mira, I have to end my POV soon] Lucy was going reach Levy's apartment and...turns towards it to find herself getting a little suspicious. GAJEEL was standing at the door leaning on it as Levy pushed him out, he did his usual "Gihee" and stepped in the apartment in front of Levy's. She shrugged it off and went near Levy's door and knocked it. Levy greeted her and set out to go for work. They reach and Mira gives them an outfit each(secret for now). They wear the outfits and works like a regular waitress. It does not seem like it was their first day. Soon...
Lucy: What may I get you sir?
She asks a boy who was wearing a cap and sunglasses in the restaurant. "weird" she thought. She could not help but notice the pink hairs sticking out of the cap but she shrugged it off, she had to act professional. A new customer arrived and she turned towards the door then the boy held her wrist ' instinctively' making her turn towards him in shock.
Lucy: Sir what are you- Natsu? * She whisper shouted as she identified the mysteriously weird boy*
Natsu: Sh... *Puts his hand on her mouth and his already pink cheeks blush deep red* Sorry but don't talk loudly I don't want any attention here. That's why I am in this disguise.

Lucy POV
Baka! He does not want any attention that is why here wore the disguise but the disguise draws more attention than the ordinary Natsu.
Lucy: Natsu you didn't have to wear this disguise...* removing his hand from my mouth and revealing bright red cheeks under it* Mira I am taking a break. *Shouts*
I noticed Natsu had been staring at me more than usual and it was really embarassing. We especially I was blushing hard.

Natsu POV
I tried and tried and tried a lot but failed I could not remove my gaze from her. She looked so pretty and soooo cute in the outfit.

 She looked so pretty and soooo cute in the outfit

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Natsu: Hey Luce when are you knocking off? 

Lucy: We are new so Mira said we could knock off at 5 in the evening.
Natsu: Cool so can I come to pick you up in the evening? We will go for a walk and then we can go home~I mean to our apartment. Also, tomorrow I have a concert I request you to come~No you have to come I have not only booked the tickets but also you can come to meet me before the concert. I really want you to come..
Natsu: Bye Luce, I will come to pick you up. *waves hand*

Is this their first date together?
What will happen?

You will know on the next day

See ya

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