11. What happened?!

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Hi Guys and Gals

Here is another chapter of Break Free

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Levy POV

Levy : Lu-chan I didn't purposely tell him. I know I told you I will not.

Lucy : I am intrigued. May I ask you to please explicate what occurred here.

Oh no. Lucy is very angry. Till now as much as I have come to know her, I have understood that whenever she feeling emotions. She tends to express them in different ways. For example, anger which she is expressing right now by using complicated/ complex words. 

Levy : Uhh Lu-chan calm down let me explain.


I was terrified after knowing that Lu chan wasn't in her room the whole night and I was sure of it as she did not answer the doorbell last night too, I was scared and could not stop thinking  that maybe the worst had happened. All I could do was wait for her or maybe this all was just a misunderstanding and she woke up early and went out for a walk or something. I texted her and called her, water filling up the corner of my eyes trying to think everything was just a misunderstanding, Lucy was alright and she would soon come to me and say I am an idiot for thinking endless possibilities of what could have happened, trying and failing miserably not being able to hold back anymore while walking in the corridor to my room a few teardrops made their way to my chin. I took the key out of my pocket and was about to put the key in the keyhole when suddenly out of no where...

Hey What are ya doing shrimp?

I jumped up startled and turned around to see Gajeel in a shirt and shorts sweating like he just had a hard workout staring at me like he had seen a real shrimp out of water. But soon his expression softened, well my vision was blurry after the fall of a few tears so I think his expression softened.

Gajeel : Why are ya cryin'? What happened, is there something wrong?

 Levy : What? no not at all I am totally fine

I turned back to the keyhole where I tried to fix my key. Getting annoyed by failing each time.

Levy : Why doesn't this damn key fit in? *mumbles*

Gajeel : Ok now I am sure something is wrong with ya. 

Levy : *turning back around* What do you mean? 

Gajeel : Being the little genius ya are I am sure ya have not forgotten to read or see, so I suggest ya look closer and will you tell me what the matter is?

Not understanding what was going on I just looked up to see that instead of my apartment I was trying to enter Gajeel's. I turned, mumbled a small sorry and walked forward to my apartment just in front of his but I felt a tug at my wrist. I turned and saw Gajeel holding my wrist and looking with worry in his eyes.

Gajeel : Tell me what happened will ya? Ya did not even shout at me for not calling ya by ya name. Something must be very wrong.

Levy : Its nothing Gajeel * I felt another tear roll down my cheeks as Gajeel's huge hand wiped it off * It is really nothing.

Gajeel : Doesn't seem like it, and these water droplets flowing down does not tell me every thing is fine either. What is wrong Levy?

After hearing my name from his mouth I could no longer hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, I broke down in his arms and tears started rolling down my cheeks with no control over them. Gajeel sat down and pulled my face into his chest letting me cry and take out my frustration while giving me a warm embrace. After a while I successfully gathered enough strength to pull myself up, still sobbing and open my door to my apartment leading him in and telling him my side of the story. Tears started rolling as I told him I could not find Lucy anywhere. He would try to make me calm and brought a warm blanket for me. In the hurry to tell him everything and trying to stop the tears we forgot about the lights and at that moment didn't even care. He sat with me comforting me and telling me not to worry, because "bunny girl" was a brave girl and nothing like what I was thinking happened. That is when I heard the doorbell.

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