𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟-𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐡

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You sigh as the bell rings, signifying the start of a dreadful class. Sitting down beside your friend, you yawn a bit and decide to sleep through class. Your friend flicks your forehead making you look at his crimson eyes with distaste.

Crossing your arms, you huffed at the smirk on his face. "Sleeping again?" Senku asked, mimicking your crossed arms as he leaned on his seat. "Wouldn't you like to know?" You asked sassily, letting out a yawn on accident. You and Senku always bicker like this. In your defense, he always stops you from getting some well-needed sleep.

Leaning your head on your desk, you close your eyes and finally get some shut-eye. Senku looks over in your direction and smiles, staring at your features. You always looked so peaceful when you're sleeping as if all the stress and worry on your face vanishes and is replaced with a peaceful expression. Senku caught himself staring and decided to pay attention to class.

Several minutes have passed and the bell has rung, signifying the end of class and the start of recess. Senku looked over in your direction again, sighing to himself when he sees you still sound asleep. Walking over to your seat, he looms over your sleeping figure. He dreads the moments when he has to wake you up. Not only were you a heavy sleeper, but you also get quite intimidating when woken up.

"Senku!" The said male heaves out a sigh of relief when his friend Taiju enters their classroom. Taiju walks over to them and sees (Y/n). "Wake her up. I need to go to the bathroom for a sec, I'll meet you guys at where we usually eat." Senku excused himself, walking out of the classroom, and left Taiju to deal with you.

The tall male walks up to you and grabs your shoulders, shaking you awake. He was met with a glare. You were still a bit drowsy but you managed to speak in quite an intimidating tone. "I'll fucking kill you." Wriggling away from Taiju's grasp, you rubbed your eyes and stretched. "(Y/n), there's no need to curse." Taiju laughed, patting your shoulder. "You know damn well that you had the f word coming your way." Soon as you heard a satisfying crack, you stopped stretching and looked at Taiju.

"Where's the lettuce boy?" You asked, looking around for the said male. Taiju chuckled at the nickname, "He went to the bathroom, he'll meet us at the usual spot." You nodded at his reply, standing up and leaving the classroom with Taiju following close behind. You made your way towards your locker and opened it.

As always, there sits a strawberry-flavored milk of your favorite brand. A binggrae strawberry milk. Along with the milk is a sticky note attached to it.

You always seem so tired, do you get enough sleep? I hope you do. Take care of your health okay?

You smile at the little note, taking it and folding it to put in your pocket. Taiju looked over at the milk and smiled. "You sure do love receiving strawberry milk from him." He says, grinning at your satisfied face as you drink the said beverage. You look over at him, "I love strawberry milk, especially this particular brand." You state, eyeing the half-empty bottle.

You hand Taiju the milk, telling him to hold it for a bit. Rummaging through your locker, you find a pack of sticky notes and grab a pen. You wanted to leave your secret admirer a note, telling him not to worry. You write down the words,

I'll make sure to take care of myself from now on then :) thanks for the daily supply of strawberry milk btw, how do you know I love this brand? I hope I get to meet you soon ♡


You placed the note down on your locker, making sure it was noticeable. Not missing a beat, you take your milk from Taiju and drag him to your usual eating place.

You and Taiju were met with the sight of Senku and Yuzuriha sitting under a tree. This is where you guys would usually eat, you enjoyed the peacefulness this place brings. Plus, it's a good sleeping place for you.

As both you and Taiju make your way towards them, Senku eyes the strawberry milk in your hand.

"Just milk today?" Yuzuriha asks. You nod, seeing as you forgot your wallet at home you couldn't exactly buy food. You sat down beside her as Senku sighs at your stupidity and hands you the half-eaten sandwich he was holding. You gave him a blank look. "Take it, you idiot." You hesitantly take the sandwich, silently thanking Senku for the kind gesture.

A peaceful silence enveloped you guys as all of you continued eating, with the exception of Senku who was leaning on the trunk of the tree and reading a book. You finished the rest of the milk and sandwich and looked at your watch. You guys still had fifteen minutes before the bell rang. Sighing in relief, you took this as another opportunity to get some sleep.

You sat beside Senku and leaned on the tree as well, closing your eyes and trying to get comfortable. You struggled for a bit but you were able to sleep nonetheless. Senku noticed this and looked towards your direction, only to see you already snoring softly.

"Oh, (Y/n)'s asleep again." Taiju muttered as he took his last bite of the bread he was eating. "That, she is..." Senku was still looking at you, contemplating if he should lend you his shoulder to sleep on or not. After a few minutes, he settled for the former. He gently positioned your head to lean on his shoulder, careful not to wake you as to not face your wrath.

Yuzuriha noticed Senku's gesture and chuckled. "You should ask her out." She teased. Senku just clicked his tongue at her words, "No thanks." He said while he continued to read his book. "Yuzuriha is right though, you two look good together." Taiju commented, smirking at his friend. "(Y/n)'s just a friend to me, nothing more."

"You guys are too fucking loud." Your voice surprised your other companions as you slowly opened your eyes. "Senku's right though, we're just friends. Plus dating is too much work for my lazy ass." You crossed your arms, unconsciously snuggling to Senku's shoulder. Yuzuriha pouted at your words, "Don't sink my ship before I can even build it." You chuckled at her, raising your head to look at Senku. To your surprise, he was already looking at you with an expression you couldn't quite pinpoint. You raised an eyebrow at him, "What's with the look?" You asked.

He closed his book and smirks. "What about that secret admirer you keep going on about?" He asks which made you think for a second. You shrugged at his question, not even sure what to say. Sighing in irritation, you leaned your head on his shoulder once again. "He would probably lose interest in a few weeks so I don't need to worry about him." You stated, trying to sleep again.

"The guy's been giving you strawberry milk every day for the past five months, you think he's gonna give up that easily?" Taiju asked with a chuckle.

"Not to mention all the sweet notes he leaves with the milk. You still keep them in that cute little box, right?" Yuzuriha asks which made you get a bit flustered. "You don't need to tell them that!" Your face flushed even further when you hear Senku laugh. "You keep his notes in a box? What a nerd." He mocks making you glare at him. "That's ironic coming from you, lettuce boy."

Senku got a bit irritated at the nickname and flicked your forehead for the second time today. You pinch his cheeks in return. "Ya wanna go, lettuce boy?" You ask playfully. "Stop I'm trying to read!" Both of your companions just smiled at your small argument.

Before your bickering could escalate further, the bell rung.

You removed yourself from Senku who was rubbing his cheek. "This ain't over yet." You childishly stuck your tongue out at him before running off to your next class, which just so happens to have Senku in it as well.

"Seriously, that girl..." Senku mutters as he continues to rub his cheek which you mercilessly pinched. All of them stood up and went to class, but not before Taiju asked a question. "So, when are you gonna tell her that you're the secret admirer?"

Senku just looked at Taiju with a blank stare and chuckled. "For the last time, I'm not her secret admirer."

Yuzuriha sighed and spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Sure you aren't."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now