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[okok here we go]

"And then I hit him with the bottle--and there was still a rest of vodka in it--and I hit him over the head with it 'cause I thought he was someone else and as soon as I realized it was Frank, I was like 'oh shit'. And, like, I immediately apologized to him and he went 'run, Wentz. Or I'm going to break your fucking knees'."

At that point, Frank already wasn't listening to his best friend anymore. He had snatched Pete's phone from him a while ago and scrolled through his Instagram while he and Brendon talked.

But Frank flinched when Pete elbowed me in the ribs. "Right, Frankie?"

"What?" Frank glanced between the two. "Sorry, wasn't listening."

"I just told him where you got that black eye from," Pete said, poking at the bruised skin around his eye and he yelped and glared.

"Don't touch it, dumbass. It hurts," he snapped, then turned back to Pete's phone. The two of them quickly got back into conversation and Frank rolled his eyes at how easily they could be amused and entertained.

gerardway is now live

His blood ran cold when he saw the message pop up on the screen.

"Frankie?" Brendon said, snapping his fingers in front of his face and his head snapped up to stare at Brendon. "You just paled, like, three grades. You okay?"

"I- yeah," he quickly nodded even though it was obvious he wasn't telling the truth, "I'm okay."

Quickly, Pete snatched his phone back from Frank's hand and looked at the screen, smirking and completely ignoring Frank's pleads to just stop. "Oh, I see how it is," he said, his grin widening when Frank only sighed in agony, "you miss him, don't you?"

"Did you ever look at him?" He shot back. "He's hot, talented, not a fuckboy, and has a great personality; we may only have dated for, like, a few months, but yeah, I miss him."

"I'm not following," Brendon said, glancing between the two, "explanation, please?"

Pete clicked his tongue. "Well, you see, before we went to college, Frankie dated the hottest guy at our school. And then got dumped."

Again, Brendon glanced between the two. "And?"

Rolling his eyes, Frank sighed. "Pete still follows him on Instagram and he just went live."

"Then why aren't we watching?" Brendon said, scooting over so he sat next to Pete instead of in front of him.

"Exactly my thoughts!"

"I don't know, guys," Frank said, scratching the back of his neck, "what if he remembers you?"

Pete scoffed. "Who wouldn't remember me?"

"Like, 99% of the people we went to school with."


"Join already!" Brendon urged, then tapped onto the round button without waiting for a response from either of the others, and Frank made a mental note to kill him later.

He was distracted by the video, though.

There was a girl in the foreground; black ponytail, bright red lipstick; and Frank had to admit, she looked really pretty. In the background, he saw the all-too-familiar artist; he stood in front of a canvas, paint on it and on his hands, and some smeared on his cheek. It made him think back to all those times he had shown up at his doorstep and he wore that stupid old t-shirt he always wore when he was painting. It was Star Wars merchandise and way too big for him, paint everywhere and he would probably never get rid of it again.

Frank's heart ached at the memory.

It got even worse when he thought about who that girl might be.

Before anyone could say anything, Pete had typed something and sent it into the chat.

petewentz: hey g, u remember me? ;)

"Are you crazy?" Frank practically yelled, trying to grab the phone from Pete but he held it out of his reach.

"Chill out," he said, giggling, "I bet he doesn't-"

"Gee?" The girl on the screen asked and turned to the artist. "A guy named Pete Wentz asks if you remember him."

The guy in the back stood up straight and turned to the camera for the first time--he was still wearing that stupid Star Wars shirt that Frank loved so much. "Pete Wentz?" He repeated, a frown on his face. "Yeah, I do. He was that weird emo-guy but I don't think I ever had any classes with him."

The girl turned back to the camera with a nod.

"See?" Pete said. "He does remember me." And he typed something else.

Groaning in annoyance, Frank flopped down on the bed they were sitting on and hid his face in a pillow. "You're an idiot, Pete Wentz."

"Tell me something I don't know."

petewentz: is it tru that you dated Frank Iero?

Frank sat up and looked at the screen and the question it held, then glanced at his best friend and, seriously, he considered changing his title. "Really?"

Pete fake-pouted. "Whatcha gonna do about it, Frankie-boy?"

Frank decided it wasn't worth arguing if he wasn't allowed to swing his fists.

The girl repeated the question and Gerard stopped in his tracks once more. "Jeez, yeah. In high school, I think. It has been a while but he was cute. Is he also watching?" She tapped on the screen a few times before shaking her head. "A shame, I'd like to hear from him again."

Frank almost fell from the bed when Brendon punched his shoulder. "Dude!" He said. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I'm not deaf!" Frank shot back, sitting criss-cross-applesauce opposite of the two--he couldn't bear seeing his ex once more.

Pete typed something else and Frank only sighed unsurely, knowing he couldn't do anything against it.

"Did you love Frank when you were with him?" The girl said and Frank could only assume that that was what his best friend had asked.

Everything was silent for a second.

"I mean," Gerard hesitated and before he was done answering the one question, Pete typed something else already, "yeah, I wouldn't have dated him if I hadn't had feelings. If it was love, I don't know."

"Pete asks if you would give Frank a second chance," she said, "are you sure Frank and Pete are two different people?"

Frank heard the man he once knew so well giggle and his heart ached. "Yeah, but I bet Frank's with Pete right now. They've always been friends."

"So, would you?"

"Ah, I don't know," he hesitated again and Pete bit his nails so Frank swatted his hand away and he glared at him, making Frank stick his tongue out to him. "I think yes. He's probably the last person I dated and I'm kind of still not over him, I guess."

Now, Frank actually fell off the bed but from shock and not from anyone punching him.

"I told you so!" Pete yelled and Brendon only squealed. "Call him, now!"

Frank took a few deep breaths, sitting up straight.

"Holy fucking shit."

I Don't Think We Should See Each Other Anymore (Frerard) (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now