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in celebration of my oneshot book hitting 16k, here's this piece of information about the story and i'll update the prologue in a bit, please be patient with me and i love you all, thank you for reading <3

this is finally happening i'm e x c i t e d

okok so theres a few things i wanna talk about, here's the first one:
i don't know how many chapters there will be but all of them are gonna be in third person p.o.v because thats what i can write best (in my opinion) but there are going to be some chapters focusing on Frank and some focusing on Gee (and maybe even one or two about Mikey and/or Ray) and since i couldnt have done that if i had chosen first person p.o.v (and i didnt wanna switch all the time) i chose third person ok? ok. i'll put an F or a G in brackets in the title of every chapter so you know who this chapter is going to focus on

next is triggers
there will be mention of alcohol, mention of abuse/toxic relationships, panic attacks (and discussing of anxiety-related topics in general) and a few others
there will be some kind of smut ig?? but nothing too fancy since i literally have no experience writing smut at all so just casual making out yk
i will put trigger warnings in front of every chapter and before the triggering part begins and after it ends so people who could possibly be affected can skip that part and i will put a summary in the comments so the people who skipped know what happens but don't have to read it in order not to get triggered. i just want everyone to enjoy this story without putting themselves in danger ok? ok.

next is characters
i didnt want to antagonize anyone (e.g. Lindsey, Jamia, Bert etc) like its done in so many stories so all the "bad people" are portrayed by characters that i make up on the spot. there will be no background to those characters, they are literally only there for me to form drama. obviously, not all made up characters will be "bad" but every "bad" character will be made up. if that makes sense? yeah.

okok i thinks thats it? i always like to read your comments so leave as many as you want and i hope you're as excited about this as i am :)

I Don't Think We Should See Each Other Anymore (Frerard) (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now