Chapter 2 (F)

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Frank's fingers trembled as he scrolled through the contacts in his phone and finally found the name he had pretended not to notice for so long. For a second, his thumb hovered above the name and he nervously bit his lip, staring down at the screen.

"Call him already!" Brendon said, loudly, hitting his hands on the table and he reminded Frank of a small child throwing a tantrum. "Or do a video call- if the guy's really that hot, maybe I can-"

Pete slapped his arm. "No, shut up! This is Frankie's boyfriend we're talking about, you can't just try and snatch him away!"

"No one's snatching anyone away," Frank said, glaring at both of them--it had been a few days since the last time he had seen them and now he was actually about to call Gerard- his ex. "Just- both of you, stay quiet, would ya?"

The two boys opposite him huffed and crossed their arms at the same time, sending him equal glares. Neither of them was quite tall (Brendon still being the tallest) so all three of them looked as if they suffocated in the booth of the diner with the tall seats surrounding them.

Deciding it was better to just ignore them, Frank quickly pressed the button to get it done and over with.

But when Gerard wouldn't pick up after what felt like hours, Frank lost hope--maybe he had gotten a new number.

Maybe his phone was broken.

Maybe he was in class.

Maybe he recognized Frank's number and consciously chose to ignore it.

Maybe he didn't.

Maybe he was occupied with some art stuff or whatever.

Maybe he was on a date with this girl from a few days ago.

Or maybe he just didn't want to talk.

Either way, it made Frank nervous. Anxious, even.

So he startled when a robotic voice said 'you have reached Gerard Way. Please leave a message' and a beeping sound.

Instantly, his throat went dry.

What was he supposed to say? After one and a half years of fucking shunning him, completely ignoring his existence--Hell, even pretending he hadn't existed in the first place. Frank didn't want to seem desperate and he couldn't just be like 'hey, I still kinda wanna hang out with you and still kinda have a crush on you. Call me back. This is Frank, by the way!' Could he?

Instead, he hung up.

Both his friends stared at him when he set his phone down on the table in front of him and didn't say anything.

"He didn't pick up?" Brendon said, his voice quiet. "Why didn't he pick up?"

"Do you think I would know? 'Cause I fuckin' don't." Frank said, rolling his eyes. He kind of felt bad for Bredon; he wasn't mad at him but at himself and, in situations like these, he had no self-control. He never had. So, when he saw Brendon's shocked expression that he had snapped at him, Frank sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Ah, sorry, Bren. Just- kind of got worked up, you know?"

Brendon nodded, letting out a small breath. "Yeah, I know. You guys wanna come back to mine and play some Mario Kart?" Quickly, he glanced at Pete and then back at Frank. "To get the stress out, you know?"

"I'm in," Pete said immediately, raising both his hands over his head, "I'm gonna fucking destroy you both- I'm the best at Mario Kart!"

"Eh, we'll see about that," Brendon grinned, then looked back at Frank, "what about you, Frank?"

I Don't Think We Should See Each Other Anymore (Frerard) (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now