Chapter 14 (F/G)

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[i know its been a long-ass time since i updated this shit, i'm kinda having writer's block and this is the only chapter finished rn. but. yeah. here you go.

i was feeling unusually wholesome while writing the first part so theres a lot of cheesy metaphores but i liked them so i kept them

warning for mention of therapy but except for that this chapter is pretty chill

also!! this is slowly coming to an end, only a few chapters left and i hope you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing <3]

Gerard had fallen asleep the second his body had made contact with the mattress and now he was snoring lightly. Frank, on the other hand, was still awake, but he was okay with just laying in Gerard's arms and watching him sleep.

He had this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest that didn't seem to go away as long as he was looking at Gerard. It was like caramel sticking to the roof of his mouth; he just couldn't get rid of it. And every time he thought it had gone away and he checked again, it was still there.

And Gerard was just too pretty for Frank to look away.

So, he stayed awake until he would pass out from exhaustion, tracing random patterns into Gerard's back. The caramel-feeling just got stronger by the second and at some point, Frank had to act on it; he knew that too.

So, carefully, he leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Gerard's lips.

Instantly, his heart fluttered and the caramel-feeling got even stronger, but he decided not to let his hormones get the best of him. After all, it was late, and Gerard was asleep, so it wasn't as if he would know what happened.

With the caramel-feeling still in his chest, sticking to his lungs and heart, Frank pulled himself closer to Gerard, burying his face in Gerard's chest, and finally fell asleep.


When Frank woke up the next morning, the caramel-feeling wasn't there anymore.

He was half-disappointed; because, on the one hand, he hadn't had such a strong feeling in a while and it was refreshing. On the other hand, he didn't know if he was able to control himself if Gerard was awake and the caramel was there. So it was both good and bad at the same time, he reckoned.

"Good morning," Gerard said with a smile when Frank stretched; he sat on the bed next to Frank, legs crossed, and sketchbook on his lap. His hair, he had tied together so it wouldn't fall into his face while he was sketching, and Frank just wanted to sit and watch Gerard draw.

He found himself wanting to watch Gerard more and more recently but, honestly, he didn't mind.

"Morning," he said instead, but he kept the grin on his face. "What are you sketching?"

"Oh, just... stuff," Gerard said, quickly closing the sketchbook. He reached behind him and pulled the hair tie out of his hair, then threw it onto his desk. "For my next assignment, you know."

And Frank knew something was going on but he decided not to push it. "What's it about?"

Gerard barely held back a groan. "Realism- I hate it."

"But why?" Frank sat up slightly, suppressing a yawn. "Isn't that super interesting?"

"Well, yes-" With a sigh, Gerard put the sketchbook away and threw his pen on the desk right next to his bed- "But I just don't have enough patience to color it. The shading takes so long. Plus you have to learn a lot about structure and perspective and all that shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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