Chapter 5 (F)

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[this is shorter than the other chapters but oh well warning for panic attacks in this entire chapter]

Frank must have fallen asleep because, in the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up. His back ached and he sighed heavily before he actually took in where--and with whom--he was.

He lay on the couch, one of his arms draped over the other person's waist. There were two arms around his shoulders, holding him close to the other's chest, and he had to admit; he felt ridiculously safe and content like that.

That was until he glanced up and recognized the person next to him; fucking Gerard Way.

His ex.


The fact that neither of them was wearing pants and Frank's tie was also missing only made the panic bubbling in his stomach worse.

Why was he half-naked and his back ached? That could only mean one thing.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he mumbled, peeling himself out of Gerard's hold and getting off the couch.

Luckily, his pants were laying right in front of the couch, so he picked them up and pulled them over his legs. When he pulled them over his thighs, something fell out of his pocket, landing on the linoleum with a loud clank. Gerard stirred at the sound and Frank's panic rose, so he grabbed his phone from the coffee table and ran out of the house.

Only when he was already two blocks away did he notice that he forgot his shoes. But it was too late to go back now and his heart pounded, making it hard to breathe, making it hard to walk and-

Fuck, he needed a break.

Frank doubled over and held himself up with his hands on his knees, taking a few, quick breaths.

It was the middle of the night, he didn't have shoes nor a jacket so he was freezing his ass off, and he could feel a panic attack creeping its way into his brain.

So, really, the night couldn't have gone better.

He did the only thing that came to mind now; calling Ray. He knew Ray's phone number like the back of his hand, so he quickly typed it into the phone when he couldn't find the name in his saved contacts. Patiently, he waited; after all, it was three in the goddamn morning.

After a few rings and Frank wondering if he was even still awake, Ray answered his phone. "Hello?" He asked, his voice scratchy from sleep.

"Ray, oh God, you're a lifesaver, I- I need your help," Frank rambled, taking a quick breath, "can you- can you come here and pick me up?"

No answer.


"Who the fuck are you?"

He scoffed. "Ray, it's me, it's Frank. Come on, I've been your roommate for, what, two years? Why don't you-"

"Frank," Ray said, calmly, "what did you do? From what device are you calling?"

"From what device am I- From my phone, of course, you idiot," again, he scoffed, then let himself fell back and landed on his butt, "please, can you just come and pick me up? I- I'm all by myself and I'm cold and I- I don't know, Ray." He let out a broken sob, tears already threatening to spill. "I- I'm so scared."

"Okay," Ray finally got out of his bed and marched over to the door, opening it and walking out; barefoot and in his pajamas, but he was determined, "stay calm, Frankie. What happened, tell me?"

"I-" he swallowed the lump in his throat, pulling his knees to his chest and wrapping his free arm around it, "I was with Gerard, right? We- we got that coffee. A- and we went to his house," Ray hummed, encouraging him to continue, "a- and I must have fallen asleep but I- I don't- I don't remember what happened before I fell asleep a- and my back hurts- why does my back hurt, Ray? I didn't sleep with him, did I? I- I can't-"

"Frank," he said again, trying to stay quiet as he passed some dorms and walked farther down the hall, "keep calm. Everything is fine, don't worry, I've got you. I'm almost at Pete's, do you wanna talk to Pete?"

He swallowed hard. "Y- yeah."

"You do?"

"Yeah, lemme talk to Pete."

"Okay," Ray knocked on a door and a second later, it opened. Without saying anything, he pushed the phone into Pete's hand.


"Pete, thank God," Frank sighed, hiding his face in his hands while his chest stuttered with every shaky breath he took, "I- I need you, man, I'm totally out of it."

"What happened- where even are you?" Quickly, Pete took his jacket from a hanger and left the room, leading Ray out and to the exit.

For a second, Frank considered lying. He hadn't told Pete about the date for a reason, he couldn't just throw that reason into the trash now, could he?

Deciding that his well-being was more important than some stupid comments he might get, he told the truth. "I was with Gerard and then I panicked and ran away a- and now I don't know where I am and I just need you guys to pick me up."

"You-" Pete pushed a door open and walked down the street with quick steps, "you were on a date with Gerard Way? Your ex? Seriously?"

"It wasn't a date," he defended, one hand on his chest to get it back to a normal breathing pattern again, "and let's talk about this later, please? I just really wanna go back to my dorm- Pete, I'm so scared."

Pete ran a hand over his face, fighting back a yawn. "Okay, but you're still in Jersey, right?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Do you see anything familiar?"

Frank looked to his left where he came from and the bad feeling in his chest only worsened. So, he looked to the other side. "No, I don't."

"Are you walking?"

"No, I'm sitting."

"Then get your ass off the ground and look if you can find anything that you know."

Mumbling something that could have resembled an agreement, Frank got up and stood on his shaky legs. He walked a block or two, before taking a turn and gasping. "Shit!"

"What?" Pete was fully in panic-mode now. "What is it?"

"I- I can see the diner!" Frank said, staring at the red shining sign as if it was an angel. His lungs felt like air pumps blowing up an air mattress by then. "The diner near campus, I- I can see it. It- it's practically right in front of me."

"Oh my fucking God," Pete said, turning 180° and pulling Ray with him. "Frank, I think I can see you- stay exactly where you are, I'm coming to get you."


Frank had passed out the second his body made contact with the mattress and now he was snoring lightly and fast asleep. At the end of the bed stood Ray and Pete, watching him for a second.

"He had the wrong phone," Pete suddenly said, pulling Ray out of his bubble of thoughts, "he accidentally grabbed Gerard's phone and not his own. Do you know what that means?"

Ray blinked slowly, his brain still half-taken from sleep. "That he has to pretend to be Gerard in case he gets any calls?"

"What? No," Pete sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose; he may have been an idiot but there were still people who beat him at being a moron. "That means that he has to see Gerard again to exchange the phones. Do you think he's ready for that?"

"I don't know," Ray answered honestly, shifting from one foot onto the other. He just didn't know what to say about the situation.

Pete looked him up and down once. "Okay, you know what? We'll worry about that in the morning." And with that, he left the room.

I Don't Think We Should See Each Other Anymore (Frerard) (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now