Chapter 9 (F/G)

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[there's super much drama in this chapter so warning for fights, mention of breakups/toxic relationships, aaaaand the car crash the summary is at the end of the chapter in brackets]

Frank whimpered and leaned his head back into the pillow. He tried not to move too much, not to be too loud, so he wouldn't wake Gerard.

How embarrassing it would be if someone saw him like this. They'd probably think he's weird and never let him into the house again.

He tried to calm his heaving chest, tried to get his heart down and to a steady rhythm, because it was currently running a marathon.

And he prayed to God that this would just go away and he could go to sleep.

Obviously, he meant the storm outside. What else could he mean?

Much to his dismay, Gerard turned around to face him. "Why aren' you asleep?" He asked, his voice raspy from sleep, and he barely held back a yawn. "You need sleep, Frankie."

"I- I just-" Frank flinched at the thunder rumbling outside, pulling the blanket up and to his nose.

Instantly, Gerard seemed to get it, and in his sleepy state, he didn't think about it before he put an arm around Frank's shoulders and pulled him to his chest. "Don't be scared," he mumbled when he felt Frank tense, "I'll take care of you, promise. Nothing's gonna happen to you."

Frank relaxed the tiniest bit and moved closer, pressing his ear to Gerard's chest and sighing out in content. He calmed down more with every second that ticked by and his heartbeat slowly but surely synced with Gerard's. Out of habit, he put his arm over Gerard's waist and pulled him infinitesimally closer. "Thank you," he said, sighing softly and closing his eyes, "and sorry for wakin' you."

"'S okay," Gerard said, basking in the feeling of finally holding him close again, "couldn't sleep, anyway."

That was a lie. But he couldn't tell Frank 'hey, I don't mind staying up with you 'cause I'm kinda still in love with you', could he?

So, he went for the lie instead. It was easier.

The room was lit up temporarily by some lightning, followed by immediate thunder rumbling outside. Frank flinched at the sound, tightening his grip.

Gently, Gerard shushed him. "It's okay, Frankie," he said, half-asleep already again, and he ran his hand through Frank's hair, "I'm here, nothing's gonna happen. Just go to sleep, okay?"

But Frank knew there was no way he'd fall asleep now. He sighed in frustration, holding tighter onto Gerard. "Gee? Can we talk?" He asked, his voice quiet. "I just need to hear someone's voice, something I can focus on."

Gerard heaved a breath and kept his eyes closed. "Sure," he said, petting Frank's hair, "whaddya wanna talk 'bout?"

Thunder rumbled again but Frank concentrated on his friend's heartbeat instead. "Gee, who is Jessica?"

Gerard's heart stopped for a second just to start beating twice as fast right after.

Of course, Frank noticed and pulled away just the tiniest bit so he could look at Gerard. "Gee?"

Why was he nervous?

"Who is Jessica?"

Why didn't he answer the question?

Who was this girl?

Why was she important?


"How-" Gerard swallowed hard, his heart hammering so hard in his chest that he felt it in his throat, "how do you know about her?"

Frank sat up, a bad feeling already forming in his stomach.

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