• dating sodapop would include •

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• he's a little whore for cuddles

• the thought of you in his arms could probably make him blush

• lets just say he's obsessed with you

• kisses turn into full on makeout almost every time

• pony think of you as an older sister

• darry thinks of you as a little sister

• steve doesn't like you cause he feels that you took soda away from him

• johnny likes you because you always clean up his cuts from his parents

• dallas may or may not think your hot

• two-bit thinks your out of soda's league

• you always spend the night

• he'll kick pony out of the bed and tell him to sleep on the couch

• then pony well say something like "okay don't dirty up the sheets too much with your-," "pony out!"

• when you cuddle you lay your head on his chest

• you always steal him flannel

• he'll act upset when you do but he actually thinks it looks super cute on you

• hugs from behind all the time

• he really likes to tickle you

• he says it's because you look adorable when your squirming and giggling

• he likes pda

• he'll do anything to embarrass you in public

• hes pretty protective over you when the gang is around

• especially dallas he doesn't trust dallas unless he's six feet away from you

• piggyback rides every second every hour

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