• dating darry would include •

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• he surprisingly really likes to cuddle

• shoulder kisses

• you tend to be the mom of the gang when darry goes to work

• you drive pony to school and back

• soda thinks your a distraction to darry

• steve loves that you always bake him a cake

• two-bit lowkey thinks your hot

• dally doesn't even try to flirt with you because he doesn't want darry to bash his brains in

• johnny likes how you drive him to school along with pony

• he's very protective of you

• he never lets you go anywhere alone he always insists he goes with you

• there is a goofy side to him

• but the gang can't be around to see it

• he loves hugs

• he's a little emotional sometimes

• sometimes he just needs a hug and reassurance that everything is going to be okay

• he's really good at comforting you when your upset

• if you cry he'll pull you in his lap and softly play with you hair

• afterwards he'll talk with you about it and want to beat up anyone who hurt his girl

• he tries to teach you football but kinda fails

• loves to tease you

• he's okay with pda but if a soc is looking at you he'll pull you in his chest until they look away

• you steal his t-shirts but he doesn't mind because they fit really big on you

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