- steve imagine

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based on the *what type of drunk he is* preference.

steve drunk is a complete nightmare. he literally goes insane. not like he's not insane when he's sober, but he really goes insane when he's drunk. everyone is afraid on steve when he's drunk. even myself. last time he was drunk he almost beat up soda because he beat him in an arm wrestling match. he's unpredictable. so when i got to the curtis house you could imagine how anxious i was.

i opened the front door to see soda holding steve back from punching johnny.

"steve! stop! what's going on?!" i ran towards them.

"this little bitch ate my slice of cake!" he yelled.

"darry told me i could..." johnny said while backing away slowly.

"i don't give a shit what darry says!" steve said. "that was the last slice!"

"why is he acting like this? he never acts like this?" i asked soda.

"he's drunk..." soda said.

"i ain't drunk!" steve yelled again.

i looked over and johnny had disappeared. guess he took his chance and ran. dont blame him. soda let go of steve but right away steve lost his balance and fell to the floor. we helped him up and he looked at me. he grabbed my face and kissed me roughly. i pushed him away because he smelled like alcohol.

he frowned and pushed me a little hard. "why doesn't my own girlfriend want to kiss me soda?"

"i sure as hell wouldn't kiss you," soda said still holding onto steve so he wouldn't fall.

then steve pushed soda away and ran to the kitchen sink and threw up. im surprised he didn't fall. soda quickly came to his aid and so did i. he got up and pushed us away. im sure as hell not cleaning that sink.

he looked around like he was looking for something. "where is that little prick that ate my cake?"

he's still mad about that? "i think he left."

steve groaned and fell on the couch.

"hey y/n. can you get a clean shirt from my closet? steve got his dirty." soda asked. steve's shirt was all wet. he probably spilled alcohol on himself.

i nodded and went into the bedroom soda and pony share. i opened the closet to see four eyes starring back at me.

"is he gone?" one asked.

i turned on the light to see that it was johnny and pony. they were sitting on the closet floor hugging their knees.

"are you guys hiding from steve?" i asked.

"yeah he almost beat us up!" pony said.

i sighed. "no he's not gone yet."

they both groaned. i grabbed a random shirt that was hanging above them and walked away.

"wait y/n!" said pony.

i turned back at them. "could you close the closet door?"

i walked back to them. "ill let you guys know when it's safe." they both nodded and i closed the door.

when i walked into the living room steve was asleep on the couch. or at least attempting to go to sleep. i laid his head on my lap and stroked his hair. this always helped him sleep. he groaned softly. sooner or later he fell asleep.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now