- gang imagine

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the gang finds out that your dad has started to abuse you.
trigger warning!

my dad was dead asleep on the couch from drinking too much so i had my chance to leave. i left quietly and headed for the lot hoping johnny was there. he was the only one who could understand me.

this wasn't the first time my dad had hit me but this was the first time he left a very noticeable bruise on my cheek. he usually hit my stomach so it was easy to cover up. nobody knew that he was doing this. not even the gang. i was afraid of their reactions. but i thought if anyone from the gang could help me it'd be johnny.

when i got to the lot i looked around for johnny. luckily he was there. but unfortunately someone was with him. it was pony.

"y/n what happened?!" pony asked noticing your bruise right away.

i said nothing and just looked down at the grass. pony tried to touch the bruise but i pushed his hand away.

"we need to have darry check it out," pony said.

"no! it's not bad i swear!" i told them but they didn't believe me.

"who did that to you y/n?" johnny asked.

i stayed quiet. they both gave me concerning looks. i knew i had no choice but to go to the curtis house.

when i walked in two-bit was watching mickey while steve and soda were arm wrestling. dally noticed the bruise on my face right away.

"what the hell happened to you?" he pointed at the bruise.

i looked away trying not to cry. by now everyone was starring at me including darry.

"how'd you get that y/n?" darry asked.

"she won't tell us," pony said.

darry sighed and led me into the bathroom. he sat me on the counter and grabbed a towel to wipe the cuts.

"i wanna know who did this to you so i can give them a piece of my mind," dally said.

"i'm with ya dal. who the hell is this prick?" two-bit said.

i just stayed quiet. johnny tried to hug me but i winced at the contact and held my stomach. i looked up at them and they all looked pretty tense.

not even asking me, darry grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up. their eyes widened when they saw what i've been hiding. all the leftover cuts and scars that never went away. now they were even more tense.

"okay. enough with the silent treatment. what asshole did this to you?!" steve said.

i pushed passed them and left the bathroom. i sat on the couch and covered my face with my hands. they all started to crowd me blowing up question after question. like, "who did this?" "why haven't you told us?". this always happened when they'd see me cry. they never really knew how to comfort me. except for johnny.

"stop! guys come on let her take her time," said johnny. i think they were all pretty surprised johnny stood up to all of them. luckily they all stopped and starred at me. at this point tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"it was my dad okay! you happy now?!" i yelled.

they all looked pretty shocked. other than johnny. it's like he had suspected it. i covered my face with my hands again and let myself cry. I felt arms wrap around me and i was surprised to see that it was soda.

"why didn't you tell us?" he asked.

i shrugged my shoulders in response.

"i know this isn't the cleanest of houses but if you even need somewhere to stay, our house is open for business," darry said.

"thanks darry but if im gone for too long he'll come looking for me." i said and looked down.

"well if he does he'll have to deal with seven dudes ready to beat his ass," two-bit said but then looked over at johnny and pony. "make that six dudes."

"six?" i asked.

"yeah. johnny are pony together are one," two-bit said.

"hey just cause' im skinny doesn't mean i can't  beat someone up!" pony said.

"im just sayin." two-bit shrugged.

"thanks guys, really. but, what if he calls the police? one day ill be forced to come home." i said. they looked disappointed. they knew it was true and couldn't do anything about it.

dally put his hand on my shoulder. "don't worry doll. it's not gonna be easy but you'll get through it."

i couldn't exactly just leave my father. no matter how much i wanted to, he'd find me sooner or later. to the gang i basically become another johnny. everyone's pet. but i was okay with that.

first imagine done! hope you enjoyed!

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