- ponyboy imagine

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based on the *what type of drunk he is* preference.

i walked over to the curtis house quickly hoping no socs get in my way. luckily none did. i was going to go visit my boyfriend ponyboy because darry and soda are both at work, so there's no one to bother us. when i walked into the house the first thing i noticed was there was a couple of beer bottles on the kitchen table. great. two-bit was drunk again. he's always really annoying when he's drunk. don't get me wrong i love two, but he just gets really loud and his jokes get to the point where they aren't funny anymore.

i saw johnny sitting on the couch watching tv while two-bit was passed out cold on the couch as well. he looked overwhelmed but i mean he always looks overwhelmed.

"hey johnny. two is out cold again huh?" i asked him.

"yeah," he chuckled. "and uhh...he sorta gave pony a drink too and well...he's in his room right now."

"he gave ponyboy alcohol?!" i asked and he nodded. ive never seen pony drunk before. he always told me he never wanted to get as drunk as two can get, but i guess he didn't keep his word.

i walked over to the bedroom pony and soda share leaving johnny in the living room with two-bit. when i walked in the room pony was laying on the bed. not sleeping. just laying there. looking up at the ceiling. he looked like he had been crying. when he saw me he immediately got up and hugged me.

"i missed you baby..." he said with a weird tone in his voice ive never heard before.

"but...you only saw me yesterday?" i looked up at him. his eyes were red and his cheeks looked swollen.

"s-so?" he stuttered. "don't i have a right to miss my girl?"

he was all chocked up. "pony what's the matter? you look like you've been crying,"

he groaned and pulled away from me. "cause i was."

"why?" i asked.

"cause i missed you..." he mumbled.

i blushed at his answer. "aw that's sweet but...you don't have to cry about it,"

he sat on the bed and looked up at me. he had tears in his eyes. then he grabbed me by the waist and threw me on the bed with him. then he hugged me and started crying again.

"pony what's wrong?" i asked.

"darry is gonna be mad at me..." he sniffed.

"no he's not babe. he'll be mad at two if anything," i smiled at him. tears keep rolling down his cheeks. it was like he couldn't control his tears.

i left the room to grab some water for him. when i came back he was sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

"come on pony. you need to get some sleep," i say grabbing his arm and pulling him up.

"no...i don't feel like sleeping..." he said.

"drink this," i said handing him some water. he surprisingly drank it.

"if i cuddle you, will you sleep?" i asked looking up at him.

he thought for a moment. then he nodded. i got into the bed with him and laid his head on my chest. he fell asleep seconds after. i played with his hair while he slept. eventually i drifted off to sleep too.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now