- curtis sister imagine *request

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request from 80smovies11

prompt: the curtis brother's little sister gets hurt by the socs.

this wasn't supposed to happen. you were supposed to meet your brothers at the lot, but instead you were walking home from the diner across town. those damn socs saw you walking towards the lot and threw you in their car. they were drunk as hell as always and drove up to the diner with you still in the car. assuming they had forgotten about you, you tried to escape but one of them had seen you. the socs caught up to you and started beating you up. probably for being a greaser girl, but a beating isn't all that bad compared to what they could have actually done. you were lucky they didn't try to rape you. they were drunk enough.

of course a beating isn't minor with your brothers. being the youngest out of three brothers means they're pretty overprotective. which only made you more anxious to get home. they were going to be furious. out for blood.

as you walked up to your house you noticed the rest of the gang was gone, but darry's car was there which means your brothers are home. you were surpised why they weren't out looking for you. there was no way getting out of this. they're going to see the bruise on your face that's almost impossible to hide. as you slowly opened the door you heard whatever communication that was going on stop and go silent.

darry got up from his chair fast. "where in god's name have you been! we've been searching all da-" his face went cold when he saw your face.

sodapop was the next to talk. "y/n what happened?"

you stayed quiet and looked down. you hated when they went to fight because one of them usually got hurt.

ponyboy was the last one to enter the living room. "what's all this yelling-oh dear god! what happened to your face?!"

darry glared at pony. he could have worded that better.

all of a sudden soda's face went completely red. he was furious and he hadn't even known who did it yet. it's pretty rare when he gets this mad.

"y/n, who did that?!" soda practically yelled.

your hands shook as your eyes looked to the ground. "th-the socs," you whimpered softly.

the brothers all looked at each other. darry for once looked calm or at least tried his best to look like he was. on the inside he was ready for murder. no one touches his baby sister. soda was probably the worst at hiding his anger. there was practically steam coming out of his ears. pony on the other hand looked really worried. he was mad of course but he was more anxious to find out how bad they hurt you. he's usually the one that gets jumped.

"sodapop, get the car." darry said and soda obeyed and walked out the door.

"are you guys going to-" pony started.

"yes." darry said and got his shoes on.

at this point there was no point in arguing with them. they were too mad and not in any mood to be told what to do.

"ponyboy get y/n some ice. don't answer the door while were gone unless it's me." darry said and pony nodded heading towards the fridge.

darry took one last look at you before giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, and then walking out to get in the car with sodapop. this isn't going to end well for the socs.

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