Chapter 1

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I don't like partying and drink, but my friend is making me go tonight to a beach party. I am not one for crowds or anything like that, so I mainly stay at home unless I am working at my office. I haven't dated anyone before because I am very innocent and shy. Most men like women sure of themselves, but I am not, and my friends hate that about me and try to help me get me out of my shell, but I am happy the way I am. The thing is I am pretty, but I don't know I just don't have it in me to talk to men, plus I am shy by nature. I sighed and finally slipped out of bed to get dressed. I have been in bed all day after I took a shower this morning, but that's normal on my days off usually.

As I said, I don't do much, but that's not a bad thing. I sighed and went to my closet to grab a black, lace, off the shoulder playsuit with wing sleeve. The top is see-through, but the bottom isn't; however, it is still lace. I put a black bra on, a black choked and went to my bathroom to brush my hair. I let my long, brown, curl hair flow down my back. It's not too long and just goes below my breast, but that's how I love it.

 It's not too long and just goes below my breast, but that's how I love it

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I put shoes on and grabbed my bag to head out to the party. I know my outfit doesn't give off my personality, but trust me, I am very shy and innocent. I am still a virgin at twenty-five even though I am beautiful, and I have the body most women would die for. Men would kill to date, but they hate my attitude, so it doesn't go anywhere. I sighed and went to the party where I found my friends who ran over to say, "You look so sexy, girl and every man is going to want to devour you."

I looked at Sasha, who understands me, who said, "Don't worry, I am here, Stella."

I bit my lip and followed them to the party, which was a dominant and submissive party. Really guys, why the hell are we here because they said a party, so I thought a normal party. I looked at Olivia and said, "Really a dominant and submissive party."

"What we have been dying to go here plus this might be perfect for you to being you are so innocent. Maybe a dominant is perfect for you, Stella now have fun," Oliver said as she left, making me cross my arms and huff. Sasha laughed, "Sorry, but I didn't know she was inviting, but don't worry, I am done with seen, so let's go to the beach."

I shook my head yes and leaned on her as we weaved threw the crowd to go to the beach. Sasha kept me close to her as we walked to the beach, making sure nothing happened. This party is nice though with a bar and then glass tables plus waitress. There is food and lights; it looks costly, but most of these parties are. I sighed as we sat down, and I put my head on Sasha's lap as she rested on her hands. Sasha sighed and said, "Well, tonight was a bust."

I looked at her and said, "What were you trying to do, Sasha."

"Find a dom, what else Stella. You are so innocent, I swear girl," Sasha said. I sighed and looked forward to see four men's feet. Mmm, what's that for making me look up and see two sexy, handsome, sex on a stick and very dominant men in front of us. Why?


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I and Sasha both got up, making us brush the sand off. I got behind Sasha, who laughed, making me huff and kick her. Sasha yelp and looked at me as the one man said, "What are two beautiful women doing here all alone instead of being at the party?"

Wow, his voice is so deep and sexy it made me wet. What's going no one has ever made me feel this way before, but he looks kind of old like thirty-something. I bit my finger, making the man look at me as his eyes became hooded, and he took a deep breath. Mmm, did I do something wrong because I am just acting myself? Sasha coughed, making the man look at her as she said, "I didn't find anyone, and my friend isn't ummm into this seen. Our other friend tricked her here, so we are keeping each other company."

"I think she is perfect for the party," the man said as he walked past Sasha and grabbed my arm gently. He started to walk farther away, dragging me away, making me look at Sasha, but the other man pulled her away, making huff. Dominants are weird. I finally caved and followed the man making him let me go, so I had my arm back. The man stopped far away from the party, making me look back as I bit my lip. Why are we so far away from the party? The man put his hand under my chin and made me look at him as he said, "What's your name, baby girl?"

Why does he need my name? I just meant him after all? I shook my head no, making him growl in a low venomous tone. I whimpered and put my hands up to cover myself as I bit my finger. The man sighed and grabbed my hands gently to say, "I won't hurt you, baby girl, I promise."

The man pulled my hands away, and I let him as I whispered, "What's your name?"

"Cole baby girl," he said as he let my hands go and cupped my cheek. I looked at the sand and whispered, "Stella, my name is Stella."

"Stella is beautiful," Cole said as he ran his thumb down my cheek and over my lips. I naturally bit my fingers, so I accidentally bit his, but Cole didn't pull away from me; instead, he said, "Good girl bit and suck on daddies finger."

Daddy? Why did he say daddy just now? Cole pulled away from me and pulled me to him as I felt something between my leg, making me close my leg. Cole laughed and said, "So innocent baby girl."

Cole grabbed my ass, but I whimpered and kneed him on instinct. I ran away from him as he fell down and I didn't look back either. I am thankful I got home where I locked the door and stripped then collapse on my bed. Ugh, what just happen? I sighed and crawled under the covers to lay down and went fast asleep only to wake to one hell of a surprise.

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