Chapter 11

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I woke up to so much pleasure between my legs, making me moan and look down to see Cole devouring my pussy. I moaned and tried to grabbed his hair, but my hands were pinned above me, making me look up. Cole had my hands cuffed to the bedposts so I couldn't move, but before I could say anything, I felt his finger curl deep inside my pussy. I put my head back and moaned, "Yes, daddy."

Cole took my clit in his mouth to suck on me and put enough finger inside my pussy. I whimper as my hips buckled under him, and I tossed my head to the side. Cole sped up but then pulled away, making me whimper and look at him to pout. Cole looked at me and smiled as he grabbed my hips to lick my entrance. My hips buckled under him as I moaned, "Daddy please more."

Cole groaned and plunged his tongue deep into my pussy, making arch my back as I tossed my head to the side. Cole moved at a good pace, teasing my walls and curling his tongue with each thrust making me moan. "Yes, daddy, please."

I started to move hips, but Cole stopped me, making me whimper, "Daddy, I need to cum."

Cole sped up and started to play with my clit making me arch my back and moan as I came on his face. Cole drank me up and continued to move inside my pussy until my orgasm was over, making him pull out and take one last swipe. My hip buckled as he crawled over and made me look at him to say, "Is my baby girl ready for her real present."

"Yes, daddy," I moaned as I snuggled into his hand. Cole pulled away and ran his hand down my body squeezing my nipple as he did, making inhale sharply and whimper. Cole smiled and continued to my pussy to run his hands through my fold, making me moan "Daddy."

He groaned and ran his cock threw my fold, making wiggle under him and say, "Yes, daddy, please."

Cole groaned and thrust in me fast and hard, making arch my back as I tossed my back. Cole grabbed my throat to pin me to the bed, but he didn't squeeze my throat; he just grabbed it and kissed me with dominance. Cole started to pound my pussy, making me moan in his mouth. Cole's tongue plunged deep into my throat, making our tongue began to play, but he quickly dominated mine as he found my sweet spot. I moaned, "Daddy, I need more, please."

Cole groaned and moved his hand to my hair as he hit my sweet spot hard, making me cum. I put my head back as I moaned, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

Cole kissed my neck as he pounded my pussy and came deep inside my pussy, filling me up with his cum. I moaned as I rode my orgasm out, and Cole sucked on my neck. I collapsed under Cole as he pulled out of me and sat up to untie my legs, which I am just now realizing where tied. Cole leaned down to my stomach and kissed me tenderly, making me shiver and moan, "Daddy untie me please."

Cole kissed up to my breast, where he took my nipple in his mouth to slowly suck and tease me, making me toss my head back. Cole groaned as I moaned, "Daddy, it feels so good."

Cole cupped my breast as he kissed up to my neck, where he nibbled my sweet spot, making me whimper and wiggle under him. Cole growled and kissed up to my ear, which he nibbled and said, "Daddy isn't done with you yet, baby girl."

I moaned as Cole sat up and put my one leg over his shoulder then lean back over my body as he thrusts back inside my pussy. I moaned as I put my head back, but Cole cupped my cheek and made me look at him as he put his thumb in my mouth. I suck on his thumb as he started to pound my pussy, again and again, making me moan, but his thumb muffled it. Cole groaned and said, "Does my baby girl want to be untied."

I shook my head, yes, making him pulled his thumb out and finally untied me from the bedpost. The minute he did, I pulled his head down and kissed him with love making him moan. Cole hit me harder and took over the kiss as I moaned in his mouth. He pulled away and put his thumb back in my mouth, making me grab his wrist as I suck on his thumb.

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