Chatper 7

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I woke up curled up on Coles' chest, making me look at him to see him still asleep. Shouldn't he be awake first being a mafia king and having to work? Mmm, maybe I am wrong. I slowly slipped out of bed and went to my suitcase to look for an outfit for the day. I don't even know what I will be doing today. I will probably be bored out of my mind like yesterday, but as I did, a deep voice said, "Baby girl."

I looked behind me and saw Cole up making me crawl back on the bed over the to him. Cole looked at me with lust as I sat next to him and said, "Yes."

"What are you doing" Cole questioned. I cocked my head and said, "I was getting dressed, daddy. Anyway, what can I do today."

Cole got up and said, "You could swim in the pool if you want, baby girl. We have an indoor pool you can use."

Cole walked around to my side as I got in front of him, making him grab my hips. That sounds fun because I love swimming and I brought a bathing suit with me but I wonder what's going on with my other thing. I touched Coles' chest and said, "Sounds fun, but umm, what's going on with my apartment, daddy."

Cole grabbed my hands and said, "We will get your things baby girl, and why are you touching my chest."

"Mmm, I want to and because you're not wearing a tie or shirt. Why do you not want me to" I mumbled as I looked at him and pouted? Cole chuckled and let my hands go and said, "No, I love your hands on me, and I have noticed you like paying with my ties and shirt when you're being shy or innocent. It's cute and adorable baby girl, but don't test the beast."

I cocked my head because what does that mean to test the beast. Cole laughed and said, "So innocent, I swear baby girl. Get change, and I will take you to the pool."

"Ok, daddy," I mumbled as he let me go, and I kneeled down to my suitcase to look for my bathing suit, which was a black and which cross, spaghetti bikini and bottom with a deep V-neck.

"Ok, daddy," I mumbled as he let me go, and I kneeled down to my suitcase to look for my bathing suit, which was a black and which cross, spaghetti bikini and bottom with a deep V-neck

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Once in hand, I went to the bathroom to change and then left to see Cole gone, so I guess he is changing. I went back to my suitcase and grabbed flip flops as well as put my hair up. I grab another out to change into after I am done, which was a blue, flat neck, spaghetti strap, tight strap, crop top with flowers on the and a loss, high rise shirt to match. It has ruffles and is short.

 It has ruffles and is short

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