Chapter 15

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I woke up to my stomach, killing me, making me roll out of bed and go to the trashcan next to the bed to throw up because no way was I making it to the bathroom. I heard daddy jump off the bed to come over to me and grab my hair then hold me close to him as I finish up. I spit what was left out and look at daddy to say, "Sorry, I couldn't make it to bathroom daddy."

"Shhh, its fine baby girl lets get you cleaned up," daddy said as he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. Daddy sat me on the sink and brush my teeth to get the bad taste out of my mouth then went into the shower. I washed the toothpaste out and then looked at daddy as he came over to me to pick me up once more. Daddy put me in the shower, making me get under the nice hot water, which felt so nice cascading down my body.

I looked at daddy, who was stripping off his night pants, then walked in the shower with me to shut the door behind him. I turned to face daddy as he got wet himself making me relax against his body. Daddy is so warm and strong; I love being close to him. Daddy pulled me away from him to cup my face and leaned down to kiss me with pure dominance making me moan.

Daddy's tongue went deep into my mouth to dominate me, making me put my hand in his hair. Daddy pulled me closer to him and grabbed my ass, making me moan as I raise my leg to wrap around his hip. I can feel daddy's hard cock pressing against my throbbing pussy, and it is driving me crazy. Daddy groaned and picked me, making me wrap my other leg around his body as I yelped.

Daddy smiled as he pushed me against the cold glass wall making shiver and yelp again. Daddy kissed me and said, "Is my baby girl ready for daddy's cock?"

I shook my head yes and moaned, "Yes, daddy!"

Daddy kissed down to my neck to nibble and suck on me gently as he lowered me on his cock. Daddy slowly entered, making me moan, "Daddy!"

Daddy groaned as he bottomed out and pushed his body completely into mine so there no space between us. Daddy kissed me with love as he squeezed my ass and started to move inside my pussy. I moaned, "Daddy, more!"

Daddy moaned as he went harder and faster inside my pussy, making me put my head back as I moaned, "Yes, daddy!"

Daddy groaned and started to nibble my neck, making me whimper as I put my hand in his hair. Daddy groaned as he got harder inside me and I got so fucking tight around his cock. I put my head in daddy's neck and moaned, "Daddy, I am so close."

Daddy nibbled my ear, making me moan and put my head back once more as I ran hands to his shoulders to grab him. Daddy kissed up to my lips to kiss me with love as I got tighter making me dig my nails into his shoulder, making his growl "Cum baby girl."

Daddy, his hit my sweet spot, making my tighten around his cock and cum so fucking hard. I dug my nails harder into his shoulder as I tried to put my head back, but daddy grabbed my throat and made me look at him as he kissed me, so I moaned in his mouth. Daddy came a second after me, making me feel his warm cum inside my pussy, and daddy moaned in my mouth just as I did him.

Daddy kept moving deep inside my pussy until we finished and then drove deep inside my pussy to kiss me with dominance. Daddy kissed me for two minutes straight, making me moan, "Daddy air."

Daddy pulled away and smiled, leaving me panting from the kiss plus that fantastic sex. God, that was amazing, and I could do that again. I am still horny too, but why? Daddy pulled out of me, making me moan, "Daddy, I am still horny why?"

Daddy gave me a weird look and said, "Did I not please you, baby girl?"

"No, you did, daddy, but I am still horny," I whined. Daddy laughed and said, "Let's get cleaned up and go see the doctor; maybe she can tell us."

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