Chapter 18

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It has been four months and we are finally finding out the gender of the baby. We are all dying to find out which is why daddy woke me up early this morning. I am grumpy as hell now and waiting on him to draw a bath.

Ugh, he could have at least let me wake up on my own but no he had to wake me. He can deal with my attitude today because it is his fault. I have been waking a lot with baby kicking too so I have not been sleeping good but he still woke me up. Daddy is in for a bratty girl today.

Daddy came out and carried me to the tub to set me in the nice hot water. I sighed as I closed my eye to enjoy the feeling. It feels so good on my achy body and is helping me wake up.

Daddy got in behind and pulled me against his chest to say "How are you feeling baby girl?"

"I am tired what else daddy" I grumbled.

He chuckled and kissed my neck making me huff at him. Daddy hummed "I see I am going to get a very grumpy baby girl today."

"Yes you are daddy" I grunted.

He chucked and started to wash my hair which felt really nice. I love his hands on my body then he started clean my body so I just relax into his hands. Daddy kiss my neck and said "Tell you what once we tell Adam I will have you back in bed baby girl. You can sleep all day and daddy will carry you all day long."

"Ok daddy" I hummed.

Daddy laughed and finished up with me making me get out and dry off. Once I did I walked over to the sink to brushed my teeth and hair then went into the bedroom. I waited for daddy who went into the closest and put on a navy blue sexy suit. He handed me a tank top and legging to wear for the day.

I can only wear certain clothes now and I want comfortable clothes on top of that so I don't wear cute clothes anymore. I will when I have the baby but till then it mainly legging, tank, t-shirt or legging. I love them because they are comfortable right now and easy for me to wear.

I slipped my outfit on and wrapped my arms around daddy making him pick me up bridal style. I snuggled into him as he carried me to Chloe who was waiting on us. Why are we doing this so early in the morning?

Daddy walked into the room and sat me on the table making me lift my shirt as I laid down. I yawned as Chloe said, "I take it Cole woke you up early."

I shook my head yes as she chuckled and put the jelly on my belly. Chloe turned the monitor on and put the wand on my stomach to look at the babies. Daddy got next to me and looked at the monitor as Chloe said "Well Stella you are having a beautiful baby boy and girl."

I smiled as daddy kissed me and mumbled "I guess you were right beautiful."

I giggled as Chloe cleaned me up and printed the photos out for us. I pulled my shirt down as she did and took the photos from her.

Daddy picked me up and started to his office making me say "Are you, happy daddy?"

"I am more than happy baby girl. You have given me more then I could ever ask for and more."

I smiled and kissed him before we went inside his office to see Adam pacing around. We both laughed as he looked at us and said "Come on tell me are they a boy or girl?"

"Actually we are having both."

He jumped up making us laugh and shake our head no. Daddy kissed my hair and said "I would love to stay and talk but I woke my baby girl up early this morning. I promised her I would let her sleep all day long and I don't go back on my promises."

I kissed him and snuggled into as daddy walked away. I clung to daddy as he carried me to our room and sat me down. Once there daddy stripped me and laid me down to tuck me in. I smiled and kissed him as daddy said "Good night baby girl."

"Good night daddy."

Daddy left me and the minute my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Ugh, I love daddy to death but this past week has tested my patience with him. He is not letting me out his sight because I am about to give birth to our twins any day now. The room is set up in the house and the doctors are here. They are the best in the world from what daddy told me but he is still worried sick. I am worried but not that worried and I am the one giving birth.

I am going to strangle him if he keeps it up I thought as I looked at him. Daddy is working while I am sitting on the couch reading. There is nothing else to do in his office but read the books and all he does all day is work.

I huffed as I closed the book and sat it down on the table. I looked at daddy and went to say something but my stomach started to hurt. I grabbed my stomach and groaned as I felt my water break. I whimpered "Daddy."

Daddy ran over to say "What is wrong baby girl?"

"My water broke."

Daddy picked me up and carried me to the room they had set up as the doctor came inside. They got me ready with daddys help then laid me down to check me out and left because I wasn't ready. All my doctors are female of course which I laughed at but I am not right now.

They made me as comfortable as possible and we waited. We wait for what seemed like ages but finally, it was time and I was cussing daddy the entire time. He laughed which pissed me off more but then we heard a baby crying.

I smiled but the pain started again making me remember I am carrying twins. We repeated the process and this time our little boy came out a lot fast then our baby girl. The doctor cleaned me up and moved me to another bed as the nurse cleaned the babies.

Daddy stayed with me as I laid back and watched the nurse come over to hand me Draco then daddy Crimson. He looked so happy as I said "They look just like you."

"Mmm, maybe but they have your beautiful eyes. You have made me so happy baby girl and I love you to death."

"I love you too daddy." I looked at my beautiful baby boy and I can tell he will be spoiled by me and Crimson by Cole. No matter I will spoil both of them but Drago will be a mom's boy through and through. I am so happy and I am never letting this go no matter what.

Our life is just starting and our twins have a lot of love coming there way. This is my family and no one will take them way ever. I love daddy and my twins with all my heart and I can't wait have a life with them.

The end

Authors Note

I am redoing all my books right now and I plan to redo this one as well so this not the true ending. The book will be the same just more added through the chapter and more added to book it self then ending will be different. I will try to edit this book when I finish Mafia Angel.

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