Chapter 14

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I felt my stomach turning, making me slowly get up, so I didn't wake up daddy then run to the bathroom to puck. I held my hair out of the way, but after a minute, it got taken from me, making me grab the toilet. Ugh, I hate throwing up, and it hurts. A hand ran down my back as I threw up until I finish up making me turn and see daddy. I bit my lip and said, "Sorry for waking you, daddy."

Daddy picked me up and carried me to the sink to brush my teeth as he said, "Don't be baby girl, it's my job to take care of you. If you are sick, then tell me so I can help soothe you and then take care of you after."

I spit the toothpaste out and shook my head yes as daddy started the tub. I finished washing my mouth out, and then daddy pulled me off the counter to put me in the tub. The water feels so nice, making me moan. Daddy growled and climbed in behind me, making me snuggle into him. Daddy pulled me against his chest and said, "Don't do that unless you want me to take you again, baby girl."

"Ok, daddy," I mumbled as I rested my head on his chest. Daddy rested his hand on my stomach, making me cover it and look at him as I smiled. Daddy touched my cheek and said, "So beautiful baby girl."

I giggled and kissed daddy, making him groan as cupped my ass. Daddy kissed my forehead and said, "Let's get you cleaned up and dressed before I have my cock buried deep inside you."

I giggled and shook my head, yes, making daddy move away from me to clean us up. I love it when he cleans me, and I have the feeling he will be doing it a lot more. Once daddy finished, he pulled us out and dried me off, making me go out and sit on the bed as he said. I watched daddy go into the closet and come out dressed with an outfit for me for the day.

I smiled and took it to see it was a light blue, off the shoulder, long sleeve crop with a chocker to match. Then he grabbed a short, dark blue, high rise, plaid skirt.

 Then he grabbed a short, dark blue, high rise, plaid skirt

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Cute. I put on the underwear he grabbed then the outfit which I loved. I twirled around, making the skirt rise a bit. Daddy laughed and pulled me against his chest to say, "Do you like your outfit, baby girl?"

"Very much, daddy," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Daddy moaned and pulled closer against his chest as he took control of the kiss. I moaned and let him dominate me, but after a minute, a knock came from the door, making daddy pull away and say, "Who is it?"

I rested against daddy's chest, panting as the voice said, "Adam and Maxwell are here wanting to talk to us. I called Blake, and he is on his way, but he won't stop fucking going on about speaking with you two."

"We are coming, brother," daddy said. Daddy let me go and once more for the closet, then came out with shoes for me making me slip them on. Once they were on, daddy said, "Just let me do the talking baby girl."

"Ok, daddy," I said as we left for downstairs. Once there, I saw Maxwell with two other cops making me snuggle into daddy, who kissed my hair and held me to him. Maxwell smiled and said, "Hey, Stella, it's good to see you. I was hoping we could talk."

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