Chapter 6

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I woke up alone, making me get up and go to my suitcase to get a deep V-neck, angel sleeve, a bow on my side, kind of short nude, wrap dress with flower print dress. It's cute and comfy, making me go find Coles shower, which was huge like another fucking room.

 It's cute and comfy, making me go find Coles shower, which was huge like another fucking room

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The shower was huge, and the bathtub could fit three people with jets. It's amazing plus the shower has so many showerheads it is not funny. How rich is this man like, really? I sighed and put my clothes down and grabbed a towel to put it down then hop in the shower. O my god, this shower is amazing, and I wish I could live in here, but I can't, so I hopped out to dry off. Once I did, I got dressed and put my hair up in a bun to leave and put shoes on. The minute they were on, I left the room to find downstairs, but I ran into a guard who said, "Where are you going?"

"Trying to find downstairs, can you help me" I mumbled because he is scary. The guard gave me the I don't believe you look but showed me the way. Once downstairs, I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, where the cooks looked at me with hate. Umm, why does everyone hate me here? I haven't even done anything to them. I sighed and left without eating but ran into an older woman who said, "Did you need something, sweetheart?"

"Well, I was going to get something to eat, but when I went inside, everyone seemed to hate me, so I left," I mumbled. The lady smiled and said, "I will grab you something."

"No you don't have to I can cook myself I hate to impose on you or Cole. I am only staying till my problem is over if that, I think I will be leaving soon. I don't feel very welcome," I said. The lady cocked her head and said, "Are you not the masters?"

"What do you me I am his," I questioned. The smiled sadly and said, "I understand now, just wait here. I will get you something."

I went to stop her, but she left before I could say anything. That woman is weird, and what did she mean by his, but Cole has been dodging my questions. I huffed as the women came back and showed me to the dining room. I sat down and ate what she cooked for me, which was fantastic thinking about what she said. I sighed as I finished my food and went to put my plate away, but she came to get it first. Hmph. Once the women left, I left to find Cole because I am bored, but I ran into a guard and said, "Umm, where is Cole?"

"His office, I will show you," the guard said. I shook my head yes and followed him to two big doors where he knocked, making Cole say, "Who is it?"

"Your pet," the guard said. Pet? What's a pet? I cocked my head as the guard opened the door and left. I watched him leave and looked at Cole to cock my head as I questioned, "Pet?"

"Nothing, baby girl ignore him what's up," Cole questioned as I saw his friends. Well, I am bored, so can I leave or is there I can do here. I mean, what else I am a young woman after all. I bit my lip and said, "I am bored, so can I go to the beach or something."

"No, you can't go out, but there are things to do around the house, so go hang out their baby girl. I will have a maid show you there if you get bored of that, then shop online or something," Cole said. Umm, why would I do that, plus I don't have the money? I put my hands behind my back and said, "I don't have the money, Cole."

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