Chapter 2

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I woke up tired like usual but it Sunday so I can sleep in; however, I didn't put on a nightgown last night, so I am cold unless I am buried in my blanks. I am ok with it, but I also want to be dressed just in case I have someone knock. I groaned and slipped out of bed to go to my closet to put on a purple, fuzzy bear onesie

I brushed my hair really quite then went to lay back down, but then there was a knock at my door

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I brushed my hair really quite then went to lay back down, but then there was a knock at my door. I groaned and put my hood on to cover my sleepy face as I went get my door. My apartment is tiny, so I don't let strangers inside, plus I don't have really nice things being I don't make much money at my job. I sighed and went to the door to open it then saw Cole. Crap I should have looked, but I am half asleep. Cole looked at me as I hid behind the door and said, "Looks like my baby girl is tired."

Yeah, but how did you find me, and why are you here. I tried to shut the door, but he stopped me with his hand. I sighed as Cole said, "Not nice, baby girl, you're still in hot water from last night."

I put my head down and bit my lip as I whimper not that he could see with my hood. Cole isn't going anywhere, so I opened the door and let him inside, making him walking inside to look around. I shut my door and put my hood down as I yawned plus moved the hair from my neck. Ugh, there went my sleep for the day, making me whine slash whisper, "There went my sleep."

Cole looked at me and said, "Don't worry, daddy will make sure his baby girl gets her sleep."

I looked at him because he is so weird and I don't understand him. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up and said, "Why are you here, and how did you even find me, Cole?"

I started to my room, but Cole stopped and made me look at him first. I bit my lip because Cole wasn't happy, which was scary as hell. Cole cocked his head and said, "Not this time, baby girl, even if you look cute as hell in that onesie. You where bad last night when you kneed me and bad girls get punished."

Punishments as in sexual punishment because I mean it sounds good, and I am wet, but I am a virgin. I am also scared because he is angry and he won't be gentle with me, which I need. I shook my head no and whimpered, "No... No punishment, daddy, please... I"

Cole cocked his head as his eyes turned to pure lust from me calling him daddy, I guess. I started to shake because what if he forces me to have sex. Cole's eyes softened, and he said, "Baby girl calm down and finish your sentence for me, please."

I don't want him to hurt me, and he seems the type to hurt people as in kill people. I bit my finger and whispered, " am a virgin."

Cole's eyes turned to pure rage, making me whimper and hide behind my hand, but nothing happened. I looked at him to see Cole looking at me with a calm expression as he said, "Look at me and tell me the truth, are you really a virgin, Stella."

I shook my head yes and said, "Yes, I am a virgin. I am not very ummm knowledgeable in that department, and most men don't like that. Also, they don't like how I act, so yeah."

I was still hiding as Cole looked at me with curiosity than lust as I bit my finger. Cole took a deep breath and went to get my hands, but I moved away, making him say, "I am not going to hurt you, baby girl, I promise."

Cole slowly grabbed my arms and pulled then away from my face making me look down. Cole let my arms go and put his hand under my chin to make me look at him. I bit my lip, making Cole cup my cheek and rub his thumb over my lip, making me bit him again. Damn habits. Cole smiled and said, "Good girl, and I am sorry, daddy, scared you."

Cole pulled his hand away from me, which I kind of wish he didn't because I was getting used to his thumb being in my mouth. Cole smiled, making me cock my head because I didn't say anything. Cole pulled me against him slowly and gently as he said, "You whimpered when I pulled my thumb away, baby girl."

"O," I mumbled as I looked at him. Cole chuckled, which was sexy as hell, making me wet as hell and said, "So cute and innocent baby girl."

I moan as I rested on his chest because I am tired making him growl. I shot back, but Cole pulled me back to his chest and groaned, "Calm down, I am not mad."

I snuggled deeper into him as my doorbell rang, making me groan. Cole chuckled as I left to get the door to see Sasha and Olivia, who pushed inside. I groaned as Olivia said, "Why can't you wear normal clothes, women?"

"Because I was planning on sleeping all day," I said as Sasha pointed to Cole. Olivia turned and smiled with lust, but Cole just crossed his arms to ignore her. I yawned and walked over to sit on the edge of my couch. Once there, I didn't notice Cole started playing with my hair and said, "I believe Stella is tired, so you two should go."

"No, they're fine," I mumbled. I looked up, but Cole glared at me, making me swallow hard and look at my friend. Olivia said, "Umm yeah, we will be going."

Umm, what just happened right now. I got up as I yawned and glared at Cole, who said, "Don't give me that look, you need sleep, baby girl."

"They're my friends, though," I said. Cole rolled his eyes, making me huff and go to my room to shut the door. Cole can show himself out the asshole. I crawled in my bed as my door opened, making me see Cole coming inside. I huffed as he said, "You know that was very childish baby girl."

I ignored him and crawled under my covers, making him sigh. Cole got on the bed and said, "Baby girl stop being childish, or I will punish you."

I flopped down and said, "Whenever I make you mad, will that be your rebuttal."

"Yes, you need to be taught to be a good girl, not a bad one," Cole said. I huffed and covered up, making Cole get farther on the bed. I sunk farther into to blankets and said, "I am sorry, daddy."

Cole pulled the covers back a little bit and said, "Good girl, now sleep, I can tell you are sleepy."

I shook my head yes and said, "Ok daddy."

Cole smiled and kissed my forehead, making roll over on my side to snuggle into my covers. Cole left, and I finally fell asleep.

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