Chapter 10

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I woke up on Coles' chest who was still fast asleep, making me very slowly slip out of bed and got to the bathroom. Once I finished up, I brushed my teeth and hair to go into the closet to get dressed, but a voice said, "Baby girl come here."

I looked and saw Cole awake, making me walk over to him then crawl on the bed to lay down on his chest. Cole started to play with my hair and said, "What are you doing, baby girl?"

"Getting dressed, daddy, why," I question. Cole cupped my face and said, "I figured we would sleep in a baby girl."

"I am sorry daddy I didn't know" I whispered as snuggled into his hand. Cole laughed and said, "Don't be a sorry baby girl. What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know daddy walk around maybe shop some, but I need my credit card. We could go to the beach," I said. Cole put his thumb in my mouth, making me grab his wrist as I started to suck on his thumb. Cole smiled and said, "No beach baby girl, but we can walk around and shop some. With that said, your account is with mine now, so you don't have a bank card right now."

I blinked my eyes at him being I can't say anything making him chuckle. Cole went to pull his thumb away, but I pulled it back, making him laugh again. Cole kissed my hair and said, "So cute baby girl daddy loves it. Let's get going since we are up, and then we can go to bed early."

I shook my head, yes, making Cole pull his thumb away. I pouted, making him kiss me with dominance. I moaned and cupped his face making Cole groan, "Go get dressed, baby girl."

"Ok, daddy," I whined. Cole chuckled as I got up, but as I did, he spanked me making me moan. I bit my lip and looked at him over my shoulder. Cole had a lust-filled look, making me run to the closet, and I heard him laugh as I did. Once inside, I put on underwear and then grabbed white, long sleeve, off the shoulder, ruched, ruffle tie front dress which is short, and the fabric is very thin so breathable.

 Once inside, I put on underwear and then grabbed white, long sleeve, off the shoulder, ruched, ruffle tie front dress which is short, and the fabric is very thin so breathable

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I left the closet to see Cole gone making me go into the bathroom to see him taking a shower. I went to the sink and brushed my hair until I heard Cole finish up, making me hand him a towel. Cole growled, making me bite my lip and say, "What's wrong, daddy?"

"You do test me baby girl because I could keep you locked in this house forever if I had it my way," Cole groan. I bit my lip because I mean he already kind of does unless I go out with him. I smiled and said, "I mean, I already kind of am unless you are with me, daddy."

"I know. If I wanted to lock you in this room for the rest of your life, would you let me, baby girl," Cole said. What a hard question, but if he would be happy, then I guess yes. I cocked my head and said, "I guess, but can I have a kitty first daddy."

Cole raised his eyebrow and said, "A kitty."

I shook my head yes and said, "To keep my company while you are gone."

Cole laughed as he pulled me against his naked body and said, "You, are adorable baby girl, but daddy would never lock you in our room even if I wanted to keep you all to myself."

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