Chapter 17

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We are finally at three months, and we are seeing the baby for the first time. We can't wait to go to Chloe's today and see her. I am worried about the baby, however. You know it just a mother thing, but daddy says everything will be fine.

I trust him, plus he has been taking care of me since my morning sickness has gone away. Now its headaches and dizziness which sucks. Daddy normally makes me stay with him or Adam just in case I get a bad case of dizziness. Adam and I play games usually while daddy typically works. Unless I get horny and I leave Adam when I get horny unless daddy is in a meeting, then I have to wait. I have the tiniest baby bump growing which we love to touch. I mean all the time but what can we do it's our first baby.

It sucks that horniness has not gone away. Chloe says it won't till the pregnancy is gone. It sucks but at the same time it is awesome. Daddy loves it, and so do I unless it happens all the time because then I am super tired. I am already exhausted, so it does help.

Speaking of tired, I don't want to get out of bed. I snuggled into daddy, who said, "Someone is up, so will she get up."

"No, she is tired."

"Do you want daddy to carry you?"

I looked at him as I crawled on his chest and whined, "Please, daddy."

He laughed and slipped out of bed to carry me to the shower. Daddy sat me down as he turned the hot water on, making it cascade down our bodies, which felt so nice. I moaned as I leaned into daddy to relaxed into him. Daddy groaned as he turned me around and pushed me against the wall.

I put my hands on the wall and stuck my ass out to wiggle it as I got horny. Daddy laughed, "Is my baby girl horny."

"You know I am, and that was your point," I whimpered. Daddy teases me on purpose to make me horny sometimes, which is annoying since I now I will be horny all day. However, daddy in the shower is so much fun.

Daddy grabbed my hips as he leaned down to my ear to whisper, "You know you like it when I fuck you the shower."

"Mmmmm, daddy."

"That's what daddy thought, baby girl," daddy grunted as thrust inside my pussy. Daddy started to pound my pussy as spanked, making me put my head back.

Daddy found my sweet spot as he grabbed my hair. I clenched my fists, and moan slashed scream, "Ahhh, daddy right there."

"Did I find my baby girl sweet spot' daddy grunted. I whimper, "Yes, daddy, please go faster and harder your killing me."

I am close, but ever time I get there, he slows down the asshole. I know he is doing it on purpose for making him carrying me this morning, but it's still not fair. I whined as daddy let my hair go and started to pound my sweet spot.

"Ahhh, daddy fuck me, please," I scream. Daddy spanked me for cussing because he never lets me cuss but keep pounding my pussy, making me tighten around his cock.

"Cum now, baby girl," Daddy grumbled.

"Ahhhh, mmmm," I moan as I tighten around his cock and cum fucking hard. Daddy wrapped his arm around my hips to hold me up as he pounded me to cum deep inside my pussy. Daddy thrust in me hard and slow until he drove deep inside me to say, "So fucking beautiful baby girl."


Daddy laughed as he helped me up, then cleaned us off and dried us off. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair then did my female thing as daddy finished up himself. Once I did, I left to sit on the bed to wait on daddy to pick out my outfit.

Daddy went into the closet to get dressed; then he came out to come over to me. Daddy handed me a pink, long sleeve, open neck with a heat collar shirt. It had a pink, schoolgirl skirt with grey above the knee socks. Cute, I thought as I got changed.

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