Chapter 12

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I woke up alone for once, which is weird, making me sit up slowly and see daddy coming out fully dressed. I cocked my head to see him with my outfit for the day, which he sat on the bed and said, "You are up, baby girl."

I shook my head yes and said, "What time is it, daddy?"

"About ten baby girl," daddy said. Wow, I don't even sleep in that much, but yesterday was tiring. I hope we aren't late because of me making me say, "I am sorry I sleep in daddy."

Daddy cupped my face and kissed my hair to say, "Don't be baby girl daddy, let you sleep in because I knew you would be tired from yesterday. We also have a long day ahead, so I wanted to let you get a lot of rest."

"What are we doing, daddy," I said. Daddy pulled away and handed me a short sleeve, off the shoulder, tight top, loose bottom, white with flower pattern dress, and it has a high slit up the side, which is sexy but cute. It has a big to which I really like.

I hopped up and said, "I need underwear, daddy

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I hopped up and said, "I need underwear, daddy."

"Not today, baby girl," daddy said. I cocked my head, but he just smiled and dressed me, which I liked. I don't mind the none bra, but I don't like not having underwear making me pout. Daddy puts his hand under my chin, making me look at him and say, "Yes, baby girl."

"I don't like not having a thong on daddy; it doesn't feel right in this dress. It's too airy, especially since we are leaving the house," I whined, making him laugh. I huffed and crossed my arms, making him kiss him me with love. I moaned and grabbed his suit as I kissed him back. Daddy slapped my ass, making me moan as he said, "Daddy will get you a thong while you finish up."

"Thank you, daddy," I said as he left for the closet. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then hair to leave it down. Once I finish, daddy came inside and put my underwear on, making me say, "Will you be dressing me from now on, daddy."

"If I can baby girl, why do you not like daddy dressing you," he said. I wrapped my arms around him and said, "No, I like daddy dressing me."

"Good because I like dressing you, baby girl now let's get going, baby girl," daddy said, making me smile and shake my head yes. I followed daddy downstairs, where we ran into Adam, who said, "Hey sis and bro, where are you two going?"

Sis, where did that come from making me cock my head? Adam smiled and said, "What you are marrying my brother, so why not?"

I shrugged my shoulder as daddy said, "To get the marriage papers filled out. I am done with her not having my name, and once this hole Marcus thing is over with, we will hold the wedding."

"Cool," Adam said as he left for the kitchen, making us leave for the car. Once inside, I buckled and looked outside as daddy took off to his lawyers which took a bit. I sighed because I am hungry now, and we just got to his lawyers, meaning we won't get home for a while. I pouted, making daddy say, "What's wrong, baby girl?"

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