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the (e/c) eyed girl groaned. she twirled her blue pen in her fingers, staring at her schedule. it was packed to say the least.

volleyball, school work, dinner, babysitting, i don't have time to do all of this. she thought to herself, frustrated.

the tall girl took her pen and scribbled over the schedule, deciding to redo it again. changing the times, leaving volleyball practice where it was.

she flopped back onto her bed, furrowing her eyebrows.

i'll have to put off my sleep then. she thought, giving up on the idea of the schedule.

"you shouldn't do that." another voice in her head said to her. a puzzled look crept onto the girls face.

"why is there another voice in my head? hello? who are you?" she called out through her thoughts again.

"i'm ——. " the voice answered.

"could you repeat that? i didn't get to hear your name." the girl asks again.

"my name is ——." he replies.

"why can't i hear your name? everything else is clear." the (e/c) eyed girl asks, confused.

"maybe we're not supposed to know each other's names." the voice inquires.

"makes sense to me." the girl replies. her thoughts go silent for awhile, until the other voice speaks up again.

"don't put off your sleep. go to bed." the voice monotones.

"fine." the girl groans. "goodnight."

the girls thoughts become silent again, as she slips under her soft sheets.

as she drifts off into a deep slumber, it hits her. she was talking to her soulmate. she just knew it.


uh i hope you like it umm i'm having f u n. this was just the backstory.

if you have any requests for any conversations that could happen let me know :)

okay bye

hear - k.akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now