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the second day. we arrived at eight and played our first two games, winning them both in straight sets.

we're off to the finals for the second year in a row.

we sit and watch the boys game, they're playing the boys karasuno team.

i observe their short middle blocker, to be honest i didn't think he would be much of a problem, until i saw him jump.

my eyes widen at his speed and his vertical, it's almost super human. their setter is amazing too, his precise sets make the ginger even faster. even Tendou can barely keep up with them.

my eyes lock onto their libero, a short guy with spiky black hair with a highlight of yellow in the front. he's able to receive Ushijima's serves and hits.

"this isn't good." i mutter to our libero.

"why's that?" she asks.

"they're going to lose." i state bluntly. she shakes her head.

"it's pretty much impossible for anyone in this prefecture to beat Ushijima, [name]. i wouldn't worry about it." she says.

"sure, they can't beat Ushijima. but what about the rest of the team?" i shrug, turning my attention back to the game.


the ginger jumps, ready for a back row attack. the setter tosses to him and he spikes, ending the game.

my team stares in disbelief, i myself am not surprised. karasuno was more polished, and they didn't rely on just one player. i stand and walk out first, everyone else following solemnly behind me.

we make our way down to the court to get ready for our game, passing the celebrating karasuno team on the way.

most of our team goes to console the boys team. i don't. i'd rather get some receives in, though i do give Semi a sympathetic look.

i call one of my teammates over to pepper with me until we start warming up.

"don't hit to hard, you might break my wrists." she says jokingly. i laugh a little then set the ball to her.

after awhile the other team arrives.

"about time." my peppering partner sighs. "who are we playing anyways?"

"i think it's aoba johsai." i say, pointing at their jerseys.

"we lost to them last year, didn't we?" she inquires. i nod, remembering it all to well.

they were at set point, on mistake and it was over. i was given the last set, i panicked and got blocked. usually i would have been able to aim around the blockers, but when i was a first year under that much pressure? no. i definitely couldn't.

they look very confident and collected. they hold their head up high, enjoying the cheers that echo through the gym for them.

their team captain, one of the best hitters i've seen. their setter, extremely skilled and connected with their teammates. their libero, can receive pretty much any ball. and last but not least, their pinch server. a shorter girl with a powerful jump serve, shes a third year. all of their blockers are good too, they're an all around skilled team.

my teammates leave the boys team and begin warming up. i'm about to join them, but my captain calls me over to the bench. i jog over and take a seat beside her.

"we're relying on you today [name]." she admits, intertwining her fingers. "you're our strongest hitter by far, we need you." i nod.

"i'll do my best." i asserted. she nods and motions for me to start the warm up.

"you'll serve first if we win the coin toss!" she calls after me. i nod at her.

twenty minutes later the ref blows his whistle. our captains go to shake hands and flip the coin. i wait patiently in our huddle until our captain joins us.

"your up to serve first [name]."

all the attention is turned to me as i nod at her, we do our cheer and walk to our positions on the court.

the ball is rolled to me and i mentally prepare myself to serve. the whistle blows are the gym goes silent. i exhale and throw the ball up, starting my approach i jump and hit the ball as hard as my body would let me.

it flys past their libero.

the first point goes to shiratorizawa.


no talking with akaashi this time i'm sorry 😔 i just thought it would be better for this chapter if i focused on the game.

okay bye😼

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