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nationals. after a month of hard training we're finally here.

for my training i was sent to the japan nationals team. some of the players i met there were insanely good. we walk through the foyer, lots of people walk around, i spot the karasuno team but that's the only team i recognize.

we weave through the crowd towards the gym, our first game would be starting soon.

once we reach the gym we begin our warmup, waiting for our opponents to show up.

once they do, we let them have the court for serving. our captain pulls us off to the side to give us a short pep talk.

"this is our first time here. this stadium will take some getting used to. the floors are different too, please be careful and don't hurt yourselves." she begins. "i'm going to try to get us the first serve, i'd like to get [name]!used to these gyms." we all nod and wait for her to come back from shaking hands.

she nods at me, we won the coin toss. we line up and greet the other team, before getting into our positions me being at the serving position.

the ball is rolled to me and the ref blows his whistle. i serve, but the other team digs it up.

"feels different in here." i mutter, getting into position to receive.


we end up winning in straight sets. now we sit in an empty hallway discussing tomorrow's game.

"i want you all to get back to the hotel as soon as possible. get to bed early and get lots of rest." our captain lectures. "early does not mean two am." she barks, eying two of the first years.

"you're free to go. stay safe and i'll see you all at the hotel." she says, excusing us.

the team breaks off into groups leaving me alone. i gather my things and walk back into the foyer.

i'm about to walk out the door until i hear a familiar voice. i freeze and turn around.

i follow the voice through the crowd, shoving people out of my way slightly, not bothering to apologize.

i pause and stop moving listening for his voice.

"where are you." i call out.

"what do you mean 'where are you'?" he inquires.

"i heard you. don't move stay where you are and keep talking." i instruct.

i hear his voice again. excitement runs through me again as i follow it through the crowd.

i see him. i run to him, hugging him for behind.

"i finally found you."


the books almost over my friends, i am going to get the last chapter will be out tomorrow, then i will edit.

okay bye lol

hear - k.akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now