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"thank you so much mrs. Moriko, my mother will pick her up after school."

"it's really no problem [name], Yuki is a sweet girl i really don't mind." i reassures, waving her hands.

i bow and thank her again before jogging off down the sidewalk to school.

once the school is in sight i slow my pace. i walk through the front gates and towards the gym.

i'm about to enter the gym, but i spot Semi.

"Semi!" i call, waving.

"[name], good morning." he responds. "how are you?"

"i'm good! how're you?" i bubble.

i've always kind of liked Semi Eita, but i do know he isn't my soul mate. it was disappointing at first but i've grown to like my soulmate.

"i'm good thank you for asking, are you just heading to practice?" he inquires. i nod in response.

"well have a good practice, i'll see you later
[name]." he says before walking away.

"bye!" i wave.

i walk back to the gym and step inside. i quickly change my shoes then help my teammates put up the net.

once everyone has arrived we begin warm up.


"great practice today girls! the deciding tournament for the nationals is starting soon. it's time to show what we can do." our captain announces. my team nods.

"the tournament is at the end of this week, so we have some time to prepare. now get changed and head to class." our captain finishes.

"yes ma'am!" we all respond in unison.

the group walks to the change room. i walk quietly close behind.

i change quickly then head to the main school building. i get to my class early and take a seat.

"hey guess what?" i call out, then patiently wait for his response.

"yes? can this wait? i'm in the middle of class at the moment." he responds, almost sounding annoyed.

"well.. the funny thing is i have a math test today and last night i didn't have any time to study. so maybe you could help me?" i plead. there's a short pause.

"fine. but make sure you study next time." he responds.

"thank you. it's just geometry, i'm not very good at it." i tell him.

"should be easy enough." he replies.

the bell rings. i watch as students flow into the room and take their seats.

the teacher take attendance then hands us our tests.

i look mine over. i have no clue how to do anything on this test.


"oh my goodness."


i walk out of the classroom, relieved. thank goodness for my soulmate.

"you're a life saver yknow that?" i point out.

"yeah, my team calls me that sometimes." it sounds like he almost laughs. can people laugh in their thoughts?

"you're a setter right?" i inquire.

"yes. and you're your teams ace?" he asks.

"you got it! i'm surprised you remember." i beam.

"you don't let me forget it." he monotones.

"hey! i'm just really proud of myself okay?" i whine. "i'm only a second year. i worked really hard to get where i am now."

"i know i know i'm sorry, i was just kidding." he laughs.

"so mean." i pout.


hey queens 😋 sorry this took so long to come out i am so lazy 😛 um i hope you enjoyed this chapter lol

okay bye 🥰

hear - k.akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now