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my team and i stand in front of the school for the miyagi prefecture deciding tournament.

i stand in the middle of our group, trying to avoid extra attention. my setter gives me a reassuring pat on the back, i give her a small smile in return.

we walk into the gym to see our opponent already warming up.

i read their captains jersey. karasuno high school.

our captain pulls us into a quick huddle, then begins our warmup.

i make my way over to our bench to tape my fingers. i observe the other team, the way they receive, the way they hit the way they serve and frankly, they aren't very good. well except for their team captain. she seems polished enough.

most of them are pretty short. the majority of my team is over one hundred and sixty centimetres, we have good height.

i myself am one hundred and seventy seven centimetres, taller than the average female. i can't say i'm very confident about my height, but it's good for volleyball.

i finish taping my fingers then join the rest of my team for warm ups.

we start with a few simple stretches then move to serving. i let my teammates serve before i do, they know to stay out of the way when i spike, so it must have looked weird when no one went to retrieve their ball.

i toss the ball up and start my approach, i jump and hit the ball. it flys to the other side of the court, hits the floor then bounces back up, but it doesn't bounce as high as Ushijima's serves and spikes.

i could only dream of having that amount of power.

the gyms goes silent, obviously shocked. i calmly walk over to ball and pick it back up.

i lock eyes with the karasuno captain. she looks shocked, almost scared.

i nod to her and cross back to our side of the court.


we win our first few matches handily, getting us through to the second day.

we all pile onto the bus again along with the shiratorizawa boys team.

i try my best to sit by myself, but Semi eventually sits beside me. he doesn't talk to me probably noticing that i'm exhausted.

i silently thank him.

"we won today." i think out.

"i'm honestly not surprised. who did you end up beating?" he asks.

"we beat —— and ——." i reply.

"hmm, i guess you aren't allowed to tell me who you beat. could give away your location i guess." he ponders.

"i would like to meet you some day."

"me too. let's just hope it happens soon." 


hi again lol i'm going to start putting these chapters out rapidly because there's a bnha fanfic i really want to write. i'll edit this chapter tomorrow and i'll also probably end up finishing this book.

okay bye

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