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i jump and reel my hand back, watching the ball soar through the air towards me. i bring my hand down slam the ball onto the other side of the court, giving the opposing team no chance of getting it up.

i land gracefully, smirking. my teammates surround me, slapping me on the back.

i smile at them and walk to the serving position. the other team rolls me the ball. i exhale slowly.

"i expect at least one services ace here." i think.

"of course you do." the other voice deadpans. i can't help but smile as i toss the ball up.

i start my approach to the ball and jump. i hit it towards the right corner of the court. i watch as it flys by the girl positioned there.

"got it." i think to the other voice.

"congratulations." he responds sarcastically. i laugh a little as the ball rolls back to me.

set point for shiratorizawa.


i sigh, another match won in straight sets. it's started to get boring, winning by at least ten every time.

i wave goodbye to my coach and teammates and quickly walk out of the gym. i jog at a fast pace towards home. my mother would be leaving soon, if i'm not there on time she would just leave my younger sister there on her own.

i approach my house. my eyes dart to the wide open garage door. i curse and quicken my pace.

i run into the garage and close the door, then rush inside.

"Yuki!?" my voice rings out through the quiet house hold. i frantically search the rooms.

"Yuki!?" i call out again as i rush down the hallway.

i poke my head into my mother's bedroom. the television is on and my little sister, Yuki, lays sound asleep.

i sigh in relief. i walk to her side and shake her slightly.

"Yuki, wake up." i whisper to her softly. she stirs, her eyes flutter open.

"[name]?" she murmurs. i nod and smile at her.

"did mom leave?" i question. she gives me a puzzled look.

"she's not here?" Yuki inquires, sounding surprised. i shake my head.

"i'm guessing she left, she left the garage door wide open." i sigh, rolling my eyes. "are you hungry?" she shakes her head.

"i'm just tired, if it's okay i'd like to go back to sleep." she replies.

"okay, have a good sleep." she rolls over and closes her eyes.

i smile softly and leave the room, quietly closing the door. Yuki is very mature for only being an eight year old. we've learnt to take care of ourselves, due to our mother never being around.

she isn't working, but is always out on dates, meeting new men. she usually stays over with them, or brings them here, which is never good.

my mother and her new partner are usually drunk, making them very unpredictable. i usually end up locking Yuki and i in my bedroom.

i walk to the kitchen and make some instant ramen.

i take a seat at the kitchen table, waiting for my ramen to cool.

"hey, are you there?" i think out.

"yeah, i'm here. how'd your game go?" the masculine voice responds.

"it was good, we won by twelve." i reply, bringing  some noodles to my lips.

"your team must be pretty strong." he points out. i nod.

"yeah, we are. our setters really good, and so is our libero." i think to him.

"it sounds to me like you're pretty good too." he states. i laugh.

"i guess you could say that. i am the ace after all." i think smiling. i finish my ramen and place the empty bowl in the sink.

i trudge to my bedroom and change into my pyjamas. i brush my teeth and slide into bed.

"what are you up to?" i ask the other voice.

"book report." he replies bluntly.

"do you wanna read your book to me then?" i suggest, rolling onto my side.

"sure." he responds.

i listen to him read his book to me. it was boring, but it was nice listening to someone talk to me.

i slowly drift off to sleep, listening to my soulmate read to me.


hi hi i hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's short the next one will be longer.

once again if you have any conversation suggestions i'm happy to hear them :)

okay bye ✨

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